MovieChat Forums > La marche de l'empereur (2005) Discussion > Should still be in the Top 250

Should still be in the Top 250

If there were any merit to the Top 250 on IMDb, this film would be a mainstay. Not only did it dominate 2005's summer box office (How many documentaries have done that?), it's visually arresting, well-conveyed, and is one of the few movies this decade that actually feels like it should be called art.

"Stupidity has a certain charm - ignorance does not." ~ Frank Zappa


I agree!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Wow. You've got to be kidding.

Only two good things about this movie. The cinematography and the soundtrack.

Otherwise a so totally contrived, uncalled for and sickening anthropomorphizing of the penguins. This is not a true natural history/wildlife documentary in any sense of the word. Not even close. I suggest if you want to see true natural history/wildlife documentaries that you seek out and watch the works of the renowned Naturalist and the greatest man to ever to produce natural history/wildlife film documentaries ever, Sir David Attenborough. He would never sink so low as to try and anthropomorphize animals as the writers, producers and directors of this film have.


I hated this. I could barely stay awake the three times I have been forced to watch it. It is total trash.

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. "

"The world is yours"


Going by your twisted reasoning BurnU, since you've never made a movie, you should have no right to criticize. By the way, have you gotten Bee Vang's pubes out from your teeth yet?


This is a really tedious, overblown and overhyped film. Perfect for the American Market, therefore.

It may be because we in the UK have been spoiled with excellent nature programmes for decades, culminating in the recent 'Life' series on BBC1.


so what your saying is that anyone who hasn't made movie, shouldn't be aloud to criticize movies?
Do you have to have been a world leader to criticize there leadership?

