Did anyone cry?

His performance made me very emotional.

Rex is MY ginger love..


Whose preformance? And "crry"? Do you mean curry?

"did anyone curry.....?"

Do you mean the curry delivery man's preformance made you very emotional?

You fool! I am no ordinary pervert!


Obviously i ment cry and JGL's performance.

Say it aint so.. I will not go.. Turn the lights off.. Carry me home..


You're a bit of a smart a$$ prick aren't you?

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


The entire cast did an incredible job, and JGL's performances are always top notch.

Did I cry? Not quite. But it was a more emotional movie than I think most give it credit for. Couldn't help but feel a deep sympathy for Chris. The way his mind worked (which JGL conveyed very convincingly), I could totally understand his reasoning. His involvement was basically unavoidable.

If you liked him in this, see "Mysterious Skin". But be warned "MS" is probably the most emotional, disturbing, realistic movie I've ever seen. It was hard to sit through at times and I don't see how one couldn't cry, but rewarding in the end. Incredible film with more great acting.


I cried when Chris did, particularly towards the end.

Go take a step outside - see what's shaking in the real world.


I shed a tear because the movie was over. It was that good.


I've seen every movie he has been in. His performance in all of them are always amazing.

That's a bit of an overreaction to a little harmless necrophilia. - Howard Wolowitz





I shed a tear when he was driving away from the bank with all the money and he's screaming and having flashbacks of the accident. Now THAT was powerful.


Near the end, when Chris is in the restaurant with the voice over that he got his loan from the bank manager to open the place, and his dad is outside - yeah, I got emotional. Emotional thinking about the dead cop, leaving behind a wife and newborn, who brought donuts to Chris every night. Emotional thinking about his two friends in the back of the car that never lived long enough to see prom because Chris preferred to drive recklessly than consider the well-being of others. Emotional thinking about his former girlfriend who's life has undergone significant challenges because of his actions. Emotional thinking about the danger he put Lewis in.

Chris Pratt is an arrogant, selfish, son of a bitch who deserves to rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life. Your god damned right it stung when instead you see him "moving on" while everyone around him is dead or damaged as a result of his continued negligence.
