gustavousm: If you are socialist (or left-wing politics) must be an alien?
Well, when you think about it, embracing socialism, or any type of a collectivist form of government, like communism and fascism, is very alien to the natural state of man. It's completely natural for a person to want to keep all of their hard earned resources that they've acquired, in order to spend and trade those said resources for goods and services that each individual deems important to advance their own self-interests.
On the other hand, it's entirely unnatural for the individual to just give a small group of people (who call themselves government officials) the legal, and thus the moral, authority to collect (possibly by force) the hard earned resources of private citizens (in the form of taxes) in order to pay down the interest on the trillions of dollars the government borrows from private banks, both nationally and internationally, to provide goods and services that a majority of the people may, or may not want.
And, if you don't contribute your "fair share" of annual taxes to pay off the governments debt to private lenders and foreign countries, that you never voted on. Then the government will send a team of men with semi-automatic weapons to your house, kick down your door, and arrest you at gun point to get those taxes. And, if you resist in any way during your SWAT Team raid? Then, the men with semi-automatic weapons, who are acting on behalf of the government, and are just taking orders, will blow your brains out.
The same scenario of armed government "officials" performing a para-military raid on your house, and possibly shooting you to death, also applies if you're in possession of a illegal plant that the government considers too dangerous for people in society to have.
For these reasons, the concept of any form of a collectivist government is very alien to the natural state of the individual who naturally wants to be free to keep the resources that he or she has earned, without being forced to give a large portions of their acquired resources to people enforcing a political and economical theory of government.
So, yes, I would say that if you're a government loving socialist, or embrace any form of collectivism in what ever form of government it takes? Then you are a threatening alien presence, not only to your own human nature, but to mankind as a species.