L'il Question

L'il question, as the title says. In the quotes section of IMDb, there is the following exchange:

Henriette: The man of parts.
Giacomo Casanova: Many parts.
Henriette: Is that how you win over the ladies? Cheap innuendo?
Giacomo Casanova: No, you just make all my best lines rubbish.

I got the DVD of Casanova for Christmas, and that exchange is not on there. Was it in the TV version (it was on TV so long ago I can't remember) and if so - where was it?

"Rrrrrrrule Britannia!"


Oh, interesting. The line is on the dvd I bought here in Australia a few weeks ago. Nothing seems to have been left out at all.

I love the interactions between Henriette and Casanova.


Ah, but where is the line?

"Rrrrrrule Britannia!"


I think it comes in that scene where Casanova is displaying his virtuosity as a violinist, watched by all the brightly dressed Venetian ladies and gentlemen. When he is finished and the crowd moves off, Henriette is left standing there and they have conversation - he mentions that he'd take violin lessons but somebody had robbed him of his purse........Anyway, the bit about his being a 'man of parts' comes in somewhere in this scene, if I remember correctly.....before Grimmani comes across to claim her as his fiance, and there is the whole 'spy' dialogue.


I wondered that too - I don't remember it from the (many) times I've watched it. And I can't check now because I've given up watching it for Lent (yes, I am sad.)!

PN Scottish Actors Appreciation Society member #1


I've rewatched that scene, it's not there. I used to think it was in the conversation Henriëtte and Casanova when she robs him off his purse, that wasn't it either...


Ive always wondered about that quote i cant even remember it being on the programme.
