David's teeth

Can somebody please assist:
As a new - and therefore obsessively observant - DT fan, I noticed in "Blackpool" that David was displaying a somewhat snaggly toothline. Nothing wrong with that: I don't want any white picket fences, with each post identical to its mates. I just noticed it, that's all. [Given the number of scenes when the camera seemed to be filming DI Carlisle from beneath his chin, and given that Carlisle has his mouth open a lot of the time, the uneven teeth were hard to miss!]

Anyhow, it dawned on me, after receiving the dvd, that Casanova had had a bit o' expensive dental work done. His two front teeth seem now to be the same length as the two on either side of them......

AND THEN came the curious line in 'Casanova', when Jack and Rocco are hurriedly leaving the grand house that Jack has just lost by his gambling. The baillifs are all but upon them. Jack makes a throw away remark about having gambled away even his teeth. "They're nice teeth, too" says Jack and bares them for Rocco to see......
So, was Tennant cheekily ad-libbing? Or did Andrew T Davies, the author, give him a pertinent line to say, knowing that DT had spent some down-time having caps or crowns or veneers fitted? Or what?

[i]edited belatedly to correct a couple of errors. And now? I'm actually not at all sure if was right to wonder about whether DT had his teeth done, between Blackpool and Casanove........Ack!!!!!!!They look a bit the same....... [/]


Could be. In which case it was continued as a running joke with his first appearance in Doctor Who:

The Doctor: [the Tenth Doctor's first lines] Hello.
The Doctor: New teeth... that's weird. Now, where was I? Oh, that's right... Barcelona!


I do love a good running joke!

I've never been a Who fan [the *shame* of making that admission! LOL] but I now can **hardly wait** for it to be slated for showing here in Australia. I swear, if the ABC passes it up, I will have to emigrate.

Can you please explain why the "Barcelona" got such a response from fans? I've read several on-line giggles related to it, all - alas - unexplained. Was it the actor's delivery? Was there a subtext that a previously non-Whoian like me can't pick up? What?


I think I've met you before fellow Tennantite!!
I don't know of any subtext...for me it's the way he says it, which is kinda hard to describe. www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho has the clip on, for you to hear for yourself. It's a must! BAR-celona!

PN Scottish Actors Appreciation Society member #1


Nope, it was pretty much the delivery. My mate and I can just send each other into fits of laughter with that one word. BAR-celona!


Chris Eccleston (the 9th Doctor) begins telling Rose about where they'll go next.

"How 'bout Barcelona? The planet, not the City."

He starts spasming from not being able to contain the temporal energy and realizes that he's about to die/regenerate. He warns Rose that he'll change, but she doesn't understand. The energy erupts and he is bathed in it as the regeneration kicks in.

After the energy fades, Tennent (the 10th Doctor) is left standing before Rose. He picks up the conversation right where Eccleston left off.


His teeth are also a little bit scary, espically when he is smiling like he's about to lunge on someone!!!!



he can lunge at me if he wants, and i wouldnt be scared!


A bit late, but Eccleston says before regenerating something like:

"Barcelona, the planet not the city.
They've got dogs with no noses.
Imagine how many times a day you get to make that joke and it's still funny"

Something like that.

¸.·´ ¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.* *


"Andrew T Davies, the author"

That would be Russell T Davies


Russell T Davies. Same guy that writes the Dr Who episodes. THat would explain the running joke then.


it certainly would!!!
His teeth were definately a bit snaggly at first but you got to give it to him they have always been spotless!!! Unlike my coffee/wine stained ones!

love david? www.tennantextra.com !

