Quotes anyone?

Unfortunatly this board is quite slow, so.. quotes anyone?

Just say a favorite quote and well... talk!

"I'm a spy! Want me to spy on something? Ooo look! A canal, I spied it. look there it is again!"

Do join in! Post a quote from the amazing and gorgeous David Tennant! Or someone else I suppose... If you have to...

"Give Sue White all the money!"..."Go on give her the money. Give her all the money!"


Giacomo Casanova: Do you know what 'Casanova' means in the original Latin?
Bellino: No.
Giacomo Casanova: It means 'lucky bastard'.

That and the Rocco/Casanova banter concerning astrology. Or was it astronomy? ;)

At the end of the universe, it’ll be me and the cockroaches


And another one:

Rocco: Jack, memorise this phrase. Your father is a knob.

Giacomo Casanova: Oi!

Rocco: Shut up knob

Casanova (to Jack): Your father is not a knob.

At the end of the universe, it’ll be me and the cockroaches


Wow! I have stopped caring about quotes somebody acctually replied! Fantastic!
Brilliant! Astounding!

How wonderful life is now your answering this post...


well I decided to watch Casanova again today and then I wanted to check a cast member. Came on IMDB.com, and your messageboard topic caught my eye :)

At the end of the universe, it’ll be me and the cockroaches



How wonderful life is now your answering this post...



Can I just say that I have no idea what you're talking about.


bump again

Do not use party as a verb in this shop!

David! Ewan!


I just saw the first half of this and will see the rest on PBS' Masterpeice Theater....

I have a favourite quote, but can't remember it. it's when Casanova escapes from jail and attempts to free his jail partner, who refuses. He starts spouting "And then what" and stuff, but he says something helse...like

"..........., Magician!"

I'm trying to think of it, but all I can come up with is

"And then what, Magician, and then what?"


When the schoolteacher is trying to get Casanova to talk...
"Conjugate, Casanova!"
Maybe it isn't funny and I am just a pervert...


Just as we see Casanova for the first time, Casanova failed to get on his horse and fell to the floor
Best first line ever
"Do yourself a favour jack never lose your heart" That one came back to haunt ya didn't it?

I love everyone! And everyone loves me!


"are you blind? That's a girl"


No. I guffawed too at the 'conjugate' line.

"I knew you were going to say that."

(Rocco tries to interrupt)

"and that."

(Rocco tries again)

"and that"





The scene where Casanova finally convinces Bellino that he loves him for him, and doesn't care what people think. Bellino reveals a secret...

Casanova: Now, mine doesn't do that...

I shrieked hysterically!


"Puppets! I said.......Puppets!"


"Bugger me, you're handsome!"
"Yes I am! And no I won't"...



I love all of those!

but I too love:

Old casanova: "Gentlemen,"

Young casanova: "Gentlemen,"

OC: "I'm sure we can sort this out amicably."

YC: "I'm sure we can sort this out amicably!"

OC: "Look at it this way,"

YC: "Look at it this way,"

I just think its so hilarious at that bit...

Ow! that hurts you know!


Hehe. This was so hilarious!
Now, this one I love...

"And the food tastes different. I'm told the milk is terrible. Oh! And a lot of the men are homosexual... that might have something to do with the milk... might not. "

Oh, and the whole scene in the confession booth.

"At least I didn't do it with their mother! Although, I have done that..."

*giggles like a school girl*


YES! That entire confession scene was hilarious!

"Okay, so that's the two sisters, the mother, oh, and those nuns-you might know them, actually..."

My favorite scene in the whole series. Second to that is the whole "You love your wife, I love your wife, so really we're on the same team, aren't we?" scene.


Giacomo Casanova: Now you see the puzzle is, if I were married to Henriette,
Grimani: You sound more in love with men than women.
Giacomo Casanova: Men I understand. I know what men think about, all day long. Those stupid little inches, driving you mad every waking hour. I know exactly what's going on in your head. Is it big? Is it big enough? Is it hard enough, will it work every time on demand; cause that's the only thing, that is the only bastard question - am I any good in bed? Is every other man better than me? Is every other man bigger and faster and slower and longer and deeper and harder - what am I doing wrong? How do I find out, cause no one ever talks about it, no one ever says. How can I ever find out what I'm doing wrong?
Giacomo Casanova: Ask me

I just love how he says all of that with a straight face!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad I love David


I do love that bit!

Ow! that hurts you know!


Nothing matches the quotes from Casanova's Memoirs. The man could write like a God, and his wit and intelligence far outmatched this series script.



Was going to mention that one cause it's so perfect. But here's another one.

Henriette: Oh, one more thing...Chin up, stand tall, and trust no one
-Tosses purse in the air-
Casanova: That's my purse!
Henriette: Yep!

Gotta love it
Laura Fraser is the perfect Henriette. She has the most expressive eyes and a wonderful smile.


Giac: Gentlemen, I'm sure we can sort this out amicably. Look at it this way. If you could do what I could do, then you would do it too. But you can't. I can, and I have and I'd do it again. So you should be happy for me, just a little tiny bit, don't you think? And you sir, just consider, you love your wife, I love your wife. Aren't we both on the same side?


Giac: Bless me Father for I have sinned...again. Erm, I don't know where to start. Erm, it's money, Father.Er, love of money is a sin, isn't it?

Priest: A grave sin

Giac: I mean, I don't love it, as such, but I need it. Is that a sin?

Priest: In too great a measure, then yes.

Giac: It's not for me. You see, there's this women, erm, and I suppose you can include lustful thoughts while you're at it. Ah, there's this women but she's engaged. And all this went on behind her fiance's back. Erm, not literally, although I have actually done that. But anyway. Erm, first of all I was with another women, and I slept with her, sorry. Er, well, I slept with her lots of times, so, very sorry. But before that she was a man. I was going to sleep with a man, sorry. But it turned out she had a false penis down her trousers. So I slept with her, without the false penis obviously. Erm, although we did find a way of using it. But never mind that. You see, I was just trying to be honest, like the sisters told me. Erm, oh yeah. Two sisters. I slept with them. Both at the same time. Um, er, lots of times. I suppose I should mention that.

Priest: Oh dear God [having a heart attack?]

Giac: I know, I know. But at least I didn't sleep with their mother. Although I have actually done that. Um, I suppose you should put that on the list; two sisters, and a mother, and, oh and those nuns, two nuns. You might know them. So all in all, it's been a bit of a time, really, and I've ended up penniless. So, what do you think I should do Father? ...Father? ...Father?


The confession scene made me crack up!

And being a Doctor Who fan even before this, I noticed he used 'Fantastic' and 'Brilliant' a lot. That being the Doctor's catchphrases for the last two regenerations.

Perhaps the fact that two other actors from Doctor Who were in it, that might have gotten the connection to my head. ^o^

David Tennant is all mine!


My favourite quote might be;

'What's he got hidden away? OH! Do draw me pictures!'
then the woman says something then the guy says,
'Giacomo a virgin? Are you ill?'

Sorry for the uncertanties with names, I've forgotten everybody's names. =)


Casanova, "Rocco, let me tell you about the English: they like rain, they like gravy, they like warm beer, masterbation, romantic fiction and above all else they like...scandal!" The English summarised wonderfully there! I love us. Casanova was the first celebrity/socialite famous for doing basically nothing! So Casanova's who Paris Hilton has been trying to emulate!

Rocco, "You've installed a whore in the spare room!" Oh Rocco, we hardly knew ye.


You're just dying to kiss me...



Can anyone help me out with this one?

When Jack Sr. first meets Henriette, she gives him that speech about pretending ... can anyone quote it for me please?

Thanks! x


Grimani: It’s very good to meet a man of learning, Giaccomo. And you, more than anyone, will appreciate the delicacy of the precice latin. Magnus, the hand (he shows his hand), pugnus the fist (makes a fist) and percussio, to punch (punches Giaccomo).



Giac: I wasted my heart and my time. No amount of learning, or wit, or passion could get me past the devine Angela’s defences. So I slept with both her sisters instead. And a fine time was had by all.

Casanova is an awesome programme. I quote it daily!Although when I watch it I'm prone to stopping at the end of the second episode when Giac and Henriette are together forever and so Happy! Leaves me in a good mood :D Might have to go watch it now. I'll have a look out for that pretender speech when I do :)



Giacomo:if you could do what i can do then you would do it to

COOK'S CRÜE member #123


Giac: The wheels on the carriage go round and round.

Giac: That's my name, people call me Giac. Can't we change his name?

Rocco: No

Giac: Lorenzo or Ceaser, Marco, Stephano, Giovanni.....Alison.

Rocco: *laughs*....*serious face* NO.

Plus all the other ones mentioned, but I gotta say when he was telling Bellino that he loved her no matter what and he gets up on the bed and says "Please.."
AARGGH that was so great.

If you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up too much space!!


"Look everybody, it's Casa-NOVA!" (It's the drawly voice of the actress that gets me, I love that line)

"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


"If you could do what I could do then you would do it too, but you can't. I can, and I have, and I'll do it again."

". . . And the food tastes different, I'm told the milk is terrible. Oh, and a lot of the men are homosexual. . . that might have something to do with the milk. . . might not."

I just love how he says everything! He's a great actor.

RocKs huRt Throw More pIes.


I love the line that goes something like this by one of the royals in France:

"My dear sir, you put the Chevalle in Chevalier."

Which, if you understand the French, is hilarious. Because a Chevalier is basically a knight, and a chevalle is a horse. So it's like he's a stud. :) haha that line always makes me laugh.

A bird in the hand keeps the Doctor away.
MR%P T7 U~O 10nant


I have to say, when Casanova is pulling off all these stunts where he claims to be an "expert" and he just turns to the camera and says with a smile "This is starting to scare me." I just can't help but laugh.

Also, when he's trying to worm his way out of being Jack's father, the priest's reply just cracks me up: "She was a nun!"

Finally, my sig is probably the best line...

It's practically the distillation of my life so far; I've become famous simply for being outrageous


"This is starting to scare me."

"Yes, I am, and no, I won't. "

Also, his face when he finds out Bellino is a woman after all. I died laughing.
