As Much as I Love David and Peter...
Why, WHY were they cast as the same character? No one with any memory of how almost angelically beautiful Peter was in Lawrence of Arabia and other films of the sixties could ever imagine David Tennant in his glorious quirkiness aging into him! Peter, is and was detatched elegance personified, in his look, if not always in his private life. David is earthy and sexy and goofy, all at the same time. He can make me laugh uproariously and then in the next scene make me tear up at the drop of a hat. David's charisma is built on his humor and humanity, while Peter's is found in the contrast of beauty, elegance, that delicious voice and diction, with a real grasp of the darkness of human character that these qualities can mask.
The opposites that these two actors have, seem to chop the film up into two distinct sections...the narrator (Peter) and the character he's writing about, happy-go-lucky-if-lovelorn Casanova (David). They never were one character for me. And with Peter's growing screen chemistry when playing opposite Rose Byrne, in the second half, Peter gained ground over David. Sorry, David. Love 'em both, don't get me wrong, but I think they deserved separate films.
Who would have been a more likely match for Peter? Jude Law if he were taller? But his voice isn't quite right... Lee Pace? He certainly can play with accents and has the intensity right. Hmmm... anyone seen Peter's son, Lorcan act? How would he fit?