MovieChat Forums > August Rush (2007) Discussion > The more I watch it, the more brilliant ...

The more I watch it, the more brilliant it seems

This movie has been on cable quite frequently, but the more I see it, the more I realize how great this movie is.

It's not a typical drama, but a fairy tale in drama form. If it had been instead produced as an animated feature, along the line of Beauty and the Beast, for example, haters would have a much easier time seeing that. I give the makers of this film credit for doing it in a live action style with real people on the screen portraying the story rather than a lavish, colorful splash of animation. In the case of this movie, the actors and the music carry the story, and I like it.

It's not a movie to be analyzed, it's a movie to be felt.


What you just said there, "It's not a movie to be analyzed, it's a movie to be felt," just about made me cry. That's exactly what it's suppose to be. It couldn't be said any better.

I know that I have sure felt a lot while watching this movie. I've seen it 4 times now, and I still bawl at the end.


Yeah i totally agree...this is one of the only movies I have seen more then once that still get me choked up...every time at the end...very good indeed...

don't you know there ain't no devil, theres just God when he's drunk...


I love what you wrote..."it's a movie to be felt". So true. Did you catch the ending credits? David Crosby and James Raymond under additional vocals. We all know David Crosby (CSN) but some people don't know that James Raymond was the son he walked out on when he was just a baby. They reunited when he (James) was grown up. They now play music together. To me, there was the same connection with Louis and Evan. They connected in the park and played music together. I know it's only a fantasy and maybe a fairy tale...but a cute one that touched my heart. When I read the credits and saw their (Crosby and Raymond) got to me.


It is refreshing to see your post. I couldnt have said it better myself when you say it is a "movie to be felt".
If this is any indication, I actually saw August Rush 25 times in separate admissions in a theater........a new record for me. I was amazed at how my appreciation continued to grow, over multiple viewings as well as how it maintained the emotions that kept me coming back to see it again. It shouldnt be taken literally. You are right, it should be FELT.


Beautiful post. I admit, I passed this movie up a few times on cable. I finally watched it and I felt the emotion from the beginning. The only reason I even watched because I was checking out some JRM videos on youtube. I saw an interview of his where he was describing King Henry (Tudors). He displayed so much passion in the interview as he was speaking. I have to say I've been on this journey of late trying to spark some passion inside myself. So I sought out other clips of his. I came across one where he was doing a song from the movie live. I didn't even know he sang, lol. Anyway, I watched this movie and from the beginning I was already on another level in my soul. Tears were emerging from deep inside. I was so incredibly touched. By the time they got to the scene where Arthur is singing that song about the Father I was a quivering mess, in a good way.

I don't this is a movie for everybody. But for some it's huge. I love it.


I just saw this yesterday on Lifetime. It resonated deeply with me and I can still see certain scenes playing out in my head. The movie captured me from the beginning with the patterns of waving wheat behind the orphanage. I loved how August stated that he wanted to 'find the people who gave me the music,' and he talked about finding his parents by playing his music to a lot of people.


I totally agree. The more I watch it, more amazing it gets.


Does anyone know that Freddie Highmore spent 30 minutes a day with 3 different guitar tutors for 6 MONTHS so he could be the one really playing the guitar in the movie? Yes, that's what Freddie did. So pay no attention to all the arses who have tried to put down Freddie's job in this roll. They don't know what they are talking about. He also had 3 different conductors tutoring him on how to conduct a symphony? There is a funny/cute aspect to the conducting the symphony. Freddie said that it was WAY easier for him to learn the guitar parts in the film than it was to be a conductor. He said that at first he thought that he would just be waving his arms about frantically and more or less fake it. Not true. He said it was majorly hard. But, once again, he did conduct the symphony in the final scenes of August Rush. Anyone who is bashing Freddie is an idiot. He is highly regarded in the film community to be the best actor to come along in a generation, the last being DiCaprio. He was nominated for a SAG award at the age of, maybe 11 or 12 years old; a SAG award is considered much more prestigious in the acting community as compared to the Oscars, because anyone who is a member of The Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Science can vote. So, someone from lighting or hair or makeup or even someone like a cinematogropher. With the SAG awards, you are nominated and awarded (or not awarded; Freddie didn't win I think because he was so young) by your peers. So, enough people in the Screen Actor's Guild thought that Freddie's performance in "Finding Neverland" was worthy of a nomination.


Let's not forget that Highmore was actually nominated for not 1 but 2 SAGs for Finding Neverland. He was nominated by himself as a male actor in a supporting role AND as a member of the cast for outstanding performance by a cast. He did win an Empire Award and a Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for his role in Finding Neveraland, so he didn't go completely empty handed. The BFCAs are very prestigious, as well.



It's taken me a long time to finally get the DVD for this movie and it is well worth it. This definitely is a touching movie. When I enjoy a movie, sometimes I have to suspend disbelief to fully enjoy the movie. It wasn't until after seeing the movie in the theater that I thought that it was strange that August Rush wasn't adopted as a baby. Minor nit really. This was a wonderful heartwarming movie that I will add to my collection of favorite movies.


I'm glad you like the movie. So did I. However, I would like to point out that babies don't get adopted a lot of the time. It's sad, but true. Many babies actually get looked over.



One man, thank you so much for saying that. There are millions of children who don't get adopted in the USA. Kev

I think I am taking all of this rather well.


One man, thank you so much for saying that. There are millions of children who don't get adopted in the USA. Kev

I think I am taking all of this rather well.


I am glad that you spoke on this issue. In reality it should be mostly felt. The plot is stretched to accommodate many time line inconsistencies. That is just fine. It is entertainment and a fairy tale. I wish they would assemble more talent like the musicians involved to bring more recognition to new artists.

I have found the music of Kaki King as a result of this movie and others too.

I do not understand why we over-analyze movies. People actually look at each sentence looking for a mistake or incorrect transition.

I like this movie and its music. It is very moving at times and lovely in the way it expresses the simplicity and complexities of life. Along the way life is exactly like that anyway.

I would probably like to read Oliver Twist again to get the gist of the plot components.

In reality most of our plot lines come from Greek theater anyway and that shows me just how far we really have evolved. When will we escape the remake of movies and try a few new experiments.

Apparently the soundtrack was written first so that the music could build throughout the sequences.

Thanks for your comments. It is great that it is getting some airplay on cable.


I enjoyed the movie and let the coincidences, improbabilities, and impossibilities slide, but the ending made me overload on cheesiness and I couldn't stomach it anymore.
