MovieChat Forums > August Rush (2007) Discussion > oh hey, nice to meet you. Lets talk for ...

oh hey, nice to meet you. Lets talk for five minutes and then have sex.

ugh this movie.

"You look good wearing my future."


Unfortunately yes, people do have one night stands.

In this case Louis was very sensitive and knew he loved Lyla. That usually doesn't happen in real life.

I liked that they all found one another and are ready to have a new happy chapter in their lives.

And if you don't believe this then read my siggy.

It’s good to dream


yeahhhh not my point. I'm all for the idea of one night stands. I'm not a "one night stand" type of girl, but in movies they're just fine. Realistic. The idea of falling in love with someone after listening to some guy play the harmonica, staring dreamily into one another's eyes, and exchanging a few words about god knows what is just freaking ridiculous. I know this whole movie is about "the power of music" or whatever, and is not aiming to be realistic at all, but I just can't stop thinking about how RIDICULOUS the whole thing is! I want to like it, I really do! Maybe it was the acting. Maybe it's because I'm not 10 years old anymore. Seriously, fantasy is awesome. Fantasy that tries to look realistic is just freaking stupid. Ah if I could go back in time and preserve my idealistic soul. Too bad real life took a crap on that.

"You look good wearing my future."


Oh, darn! I was distracted in the beginning of the movie, and was under the impression that they had been having a Romeo and Juliet thing going on!? That is, they had seen one another a few times, but always in a "hush - hush" manner, and, it was just at that time, they fell in love. Gee, now you dropped this another star...


It doesn't sound like real life took a crap on your soul, at all. It sounds like you dumped all over your soul, yourself. People fall in love through similar circumstances EVERY single day. I know that for a fact because I've read about such stories from news articles. It happens. Just because it doesn't happen to you does NOT mean it doesn't happen period. I've seen it happen first hand. The love story of the film is not the part of the film that is unrealistic. The love story part of the film is very possible and has already happened to many people in real life.



I highly agree with you on this and learned this from a prospective as in a video on youtube my sister told me about, the song had been out for three years and going on over 40 million views but yet I was one out of those views that did not know anything about that ....Some people may bot have an idea on or about certain things until it happens to them.

Can Love at first site really happen and people stay together forever, even in these days, yes they can and very much do and based on the looks in their eyes in the movie it was based more on "I met my soul mate" than rather than "I really need to get laid".

That old line "set something free and if it comes back to you it was meant to be and will last forever" was clearly seen in the movie and which makes so many stories in one film that amazing and all in one beautiful.


It doesn't're wrong...those stories you read probably didn't have the ending written yet...and those that did are about one in a hundred million. Love at first sight is a fantasy perpetuated by media (films, books, music) and doesn't exist. Anyone who says otherwise in either naive or trying to sell you something.

the truth hurts...sorry but it's true


Sorry to break it to you but it is YOU and NOT I who is wrong. Love at first sight DOES in FACT exist. Those who think otherwise are either naive or trying to sell you something, lol. See how your TOTAL ignorance can be turned around on you. Only when I make that claim, it is actually the truth. Just because you haven't experienced love at first sight doesn't mean others haven't. Just because you don't know what love actually is doesn't mean others don't. Some people choose not to be as stupid as you and actually believe in love.

As your sig says, the truth hurts...sorry but it's true.

Never give in. Never give up. Never surrender.


What a hateful and small person you have shown yourself to calling and all that jazz to someone who you don't even unfortunate. Also, the irony of a person like you who claims to know so much about love but spews so much hate isn't wasted on me.

Whether you physically are or not, you have shown yourself, by your opinions and your hatefulness, to have the maturity of a 7 year old (or less). You scream and shout and stomp your feet when others disagree with you...

All I can say is that if you are in love (whether it be the "first sight" kind of love or true love) I weep for your partner because of how hateful you are.

P.S. come up with your own words and phrases and don't use makes you look bad.

Note: I promise you I will never return to this page to read your hateful response. Life's too short to waste on people who act like you. So write whatever terrible things you want and rant and rave and hate.....However, I do hope you get better and kinder for your sake and for the sake of others in your life.
the truth hurts...sorry it's true ;)


LOL Is your hateful rhetoric all that you really have. Give me a break. I'll use your words again here. The irony of a person like you who claims to know so much about love but spews so much hate isn't wasted on me, either, ignoramus. LOL Seriously, you need to get better material. I'm NOT the one hating. YOU are with your totally ignorant claim that love at first sight doesn't exist. News flash. That makes you something called a HATER.

And please. You accuse me of screaming and shouting and stomping my feet when others disagree with me when it is actually YOU who has been screaming and shouting and stomping YOUR feet when myself and pretty much the vast majority of the world disagrees with you. Not only am I disagreeing with you, but I'm stating you're flat out wrong, period. Love at first sight DOES exist. I've seen it happen with my own eyes and I've read many stories describing people who have experienced it.

P.S. Your words are not really your words at all. They are just words you strung together to make a TOTALLY baseless and flat out FALSE assumption. When I used the same words, it was actually something called the TRUTH, which I know you can never understand. Now, you coming to a baseless and false assumption as you did makes YOU look bad, lol.

Note: I don't care if you return or not. This message board will be better off without naive, ignorant, pessimistic haters such as yourself. Here, let me use you words again, only with some editing. Life's too short to waste on TOTAL ignoramuses who act like you. So write whatever terrible lies you want and rant and rave and hate. However, I do hope you get better and kinder for your sake and for the sake of others in your life who you clearly make miserable.

As your sig says, "The truth hurts...sorry it's true." LOL Maybe you ought to start investing some time into the actual truth and quit trolling a message board about a subject you clearly know absolutely NOTHING about.

Never give in. Never give up. Never surrender.


Lust at first sight exists. Not love. You are kidding yourself if you think it does exist. Over time you grow to love the person, but at first it was nothing but infatuation or desire for sex.


Dear Hoochie,
You poor little thing. You don't believe in love at first sight? Haven't you read those stories about about high school sweethearts who broke up,married other partners,divorced or were widowed when they ran into their old flames again and eventually married? So sweet. I've heard it dozens of times. Romance is popular.Why? Because people love a happy ending. Happy endings.If 50% of couples get divorced,that means at least 10% may be happy.Can you agree to that? Hey-maybe even 20% might not be miserable most of the time!
I never dated much.I planned to get around to it when I got older,or prettier or richer,or something. Then I suddenly got whistled at but the boys were the wrong color. It was illegal at my school. Dating.Did I ever go on one? Dinner and a movie? Probably not. In case you think I'm ugly,I did get 2 engagement rings,went to work,school, and one day I say the most interesting man on the stage at a seminar with my Psych Prof. I stayed behind but there were 500 students waiting. A month later,I went to an address 2 blocks away from my house,to visit my Physics Prof. She was engaged to be married that spring and when I came in,he ran away-but it was HIM. Oh well.Months later ,just before summer vacation,my psych prof requested my presence at a casual no stress party to meet some people. The next day was my birthday.It was also the due date for my final paper for her class-which I hadn't started as yet. I couldn't say no. What do you wear to go somewhere you don't want to go to -but you don't want to be too unattractive,just in case? In any case,The driver-HIM,and my Prof,showed up.He managed to drive the car into a ditch.He borrowed a 2nd car,picked me up,dropped me off,showed up an hour later,and the rest is a very long history. We've been married for 39 years. My teacher had been trying to set us up for months but she wasn't very good at it. Our son is the CEO of a start-up in Seattle. Our daughter called to say they are buying a house in Shreveport while her Him finishes his Phd. Our baby just turned 21 and is still in school.
But don't worry-we'll try and break up by our 40th anniversary.We have 12 months. What would you like to buy?
(In case you think we're one of those lucky couples with silver spoons,easy lives,smooth sailing? wrong)
WE had every possible tragedy,bad luck, death,sickness,poorer-and I don't think we've made it to dinner and a movie yet.
But here's a hint.My son said to me once,when he was about 12,"mom,how come you can talk to everyone and it seems like they've been your friend for years?" Some people are open to others and they may be the "love at first sight" type. My husband has a stick up his- well, let's just say he's very reserved,won't hold hands in public,and I tend to pinch him and say outrageous things. The truth is hilarious.


I can understand that one would not believe such a thing could happen, if they had not experienced it for themselves or had not witnessed at in some way. But, it does happen. It happened to me. I met the love of my life 8 years ago at a Denny's. I did not know it at the time. I took up with someone else, got married, and moved 1500 miles away. I never stopped thinking about the guy at Denny's. When my marriage fell apart, and I came back home, I ran into him on myspace. We started talking again. I went up to the area where we met, to see if we would run into each other. But, after about an hour, I decided to just go to the bookstore and hangout. After spending an hour in the bookstore, I was ready to leave. I looked up, and guess who was standing in the same aisle. We've been together ever since. Although this movie is not completely realistic, I think you might be missing the point. The film is about following your heart, listening when Divine Providence has something to say, and being an active part of your life instead of watching it pass you by.



Actually it's not. It absolutely can happen. I fell in love weeks after I met someone who played a bunch of instruments on my birthday, had a one night stand with him that turned into a relationship.


It happens we used to call you were walking the walk of shame if you were running across campus or in her case sneaking into a hotel suite in the same clothes that you went out the night before in. Most of the time hopefully you don’t get pregnant
have a great day


That's how I met my husband , afterwards I asked If we should meet again ,and he said : everyday ,,,proposed to me right then and there and we have been together 14 years now :) He's a musician and i'm an artist .


While I will wholeheartedly agree that "love at first sight" can and does happen, as it has happened to me in the past. Unfortunately, the relationships didn't last for whatever reason. Sometimes, there is too much baggage in the way to make it work or perhaps the timing isn't right and it will be again when it is.

However, I have also personally experienced falling madly in love with someone who I spent enough time with and shared passionate interests, although I had absolutely no attraction to him for years.

Whether you have a love that that was "at first sight" or created through spending time together, I think whether or not it will truly last comes from keeping a very real and passionate connection and you both being willing to work to keep it alive.

Too often in life, people stay together for the kids or because they can't face being "alone" in the world so they will settle for a second best relationship and tell you (and themselves) that they "love" that person because we often use perception to create our reality rather than doing as Alannamoon said, “following your heart, listening when Divine Providence has something to say, and being an active part of your life instead of watching it pass you by.”


And obviously it is implied that they spent the evening together. One kiss doesn't necessarily lead right into sex and since they jump from the night before to the next morning instead of dragging out every minute of exactly what occurred before they did the deed.

It is just a small part of a story that spans nearly twelve years, why would they drag out just the one evening?

People like you who get hung up on one tiny detail of a movie really sell yourself short of experiencing what is IMHO, a great piece of work!


Off topic: I LOOOOOVE your quote! That's my favorite movie ever! :)


5 Minutes...try 40 seconds that was my, record

Please watch my short, click trailer (its the film!)



Soooo.... Clearly the one night stand is a plot device to propel the storyline. If you're looking for plausability and reality I suggest you stick with documentaries.


I relate to this girl's post. But it does happen that people have sex with ANYONE after just saying 10 words or less..yeah people are disgusting but I couldn't care less . It's their problem to be so easy .

...People are alike, I am different~
