Yeah. It must be all the cough syrup you are slammin', because you clearly don't see this spiritual metaphor of this movie. Do you know what a metaphor is, *beep* for brains? I said, "overtones", but that's not even the way to put it. The spirituality literally slaps you in the face, but you don't have the eyes to see it nor the ears to hear it. Dextromethorphan is a dissociative anesthetic when taken in overdose, and I'm pretty sure you need to put down the bottle of Robitussin and step AWAY from the computer. Wait. Allow me to correct myself. Technically, Robitussin contains dextromethorphan hydrobromide. It's the bromides that cause the drain bamage you must be experiencing to overlook the spirituality inherent in August Rush from my p.o.v. ( By the way, brain damage or not, you are still a douche bag. ) Let's look at August Rush from my p.o.v.. My spiritual path is called Eckankar, also know as the religion of the Light and Sound of God. These twin aspects of Light and Sound are what Christians would call the Holy Spirit. In Eckankar, one uses the Light to steer himself away from the pitfalls and danger. But, more important is the Sound Wave that breaches the shore only to return to Its source- God. We must literally ride the Sound Wave like a current that takes Soul home, to the Ocean of Love and Mercy. This Sound is spoken of in virtually all the religions that ever had existed, and it will still be there in the future because all life comes from this Audible Life Stream. Let' see what the Shariyat-Ki Sugmad ( the spiritual scriptures for those who follow the path of ECK ) has to say.
ECK ( the Sound Current ) is the totality of all awareness. It is the omnipresence of God, the omiscience, and the omnipotence, the allness of God in Its Kingdom and the universes. Life is concerned only with the primal Vadan, the word of It. This is the essence of life. Nothing is greater than the Word of the worlds. Hence God speaks to us only through the primal Sound. Out of this divine Voice all the other sounds flow. Those who are in It distinguish between the primal worlds and the manifest Word, between the original music and Its echo. They are able to point out the Dhunatmik Sound and the Varnatmik souns. The all-creative ECK ( the Holy Spirit, chi, prana the Force from Star Wars, if you will ) is the Voice of God, out of which all other sounds arise. At the same time Its divine strains linger in all material planes as echoes of the original melody ( do you see where I am going with this, *beep* for brains? Virtually all religions have this element of Sound. Take the Buddhist momks chanting their mantras for hours on end,or the Christian monks doing the same, or even the seven hundred an fifty million Hindus with their mantras- it all comes down to Sound. I forgot the Muslim mystic Sufis, with their chanting of the word HU ( I wonder, how many Muslims there are in the world today? ) I do believe that I have set up a firm foundation to back up my statements. What have you, besides a soiled pair of tighty whiteys with *beep* stains in the back because you are too ignorant to respond to legitimate claims that August Rush was a beautiful movie?. Allow me to go further in my adventures to prove that you did not get the fancy G.E.D. degree that you claim to have, and that your statements arise out of a Robitussin stupor.
Did I forget to mention that you are a douche bag? Just checking. The Voice of God is the Dhunatmik, the sound which cannot be spoken. It has no written symbol. Such is the Music of God. The Varnatmik is the sound which can be spoken or written. Hence, the scriptures of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad can be spoken or written on the lower planes of God. But in the higher worlds, it is only the heavenly white music. The Holy Spirit is the Ocean of Love and Mecry, a life giving, creative sea, heard by the divine followers of God. The Voice of God includes all the qualities of the magnificent Being in the Ocean of Love and Mercy. It's Voice may be heard and seen by those who are able to participate in It throughout the worlds of the Supreme Deity It may be seen and heard by those awakened Souls, who have received the initiation from the ECK Adepts.
The Voice speaks to all who listen. It speaks in the whisper of the wind, the roar of the sea, and the voices of birds and animals- in all things. The spiritually blind will never see the Light, nor the deaf hear the Sound. (Is this finally starting to seep into your cough syrup drenched brain? Doesn't this sound an awful lot like the very obvious message that August Rush is trying to convey? ) He who has the ears to hear shall gather unto himself the wisdom of the Voice of the Holy Spirit in the worlds of God!
He who must know and see and hear shall be the perfect Soul. Unless one hears that which we know as the Bani ( Sound Current ), he shall remain deaf to all truths. Doesn't Wizard say summat exactly like this to Even, while they are looking up at the stars? Doesn't Wizard say summat about riding the Sound Wave? Does he not say to Evan, " You know what's out there kid? It's a series of higher tones...") or the Nada Bindu, the seed from which all things grow? I'm gonna stop now, cause you're just too fookin' ignorant to understand summat that requiers the intelligence of a two year old. Freddie Highmore would eat you for breakfast, *beep*