huh. i think you just validated the one part of the movie ive really disliked for years. i, along with most people, felt that the ending was rushed, but the way you just explained it actually makes it a perfect ending. i think ive been appreciating most of the movie on an emotional level, rather than a logical one. I dont think a kid with no musical training could pick up music the way he did, prodigy or no. i think the "music will lead me to my parents" bit makes so sense, ON A LOGICAL LEVEL. but on an emotional level, i always could just tell myself "shut up and end enjoy the movie. it doesnt need to make sense to be amazing. and the theme of the music leading his way ON AN EMOTIONAL LEVEL, is honestly a beautiful thing. but i always unconsciously threw that, the thing that makes me love 95% of this movie, out the window when it came to the ending. and with how you explained it, it brings it all full circle