Lily Snowden-Fine

I caught the end of an episode of Peppa Pig this morning, for the first time in quite a while, and was shocked to see that an unfamiliar name in place of Lily Snowden-Fine's, as the voice of Peppa Pig. What's going on???

Lily Snowden-Fine was absolutely brilliant as the voice of Peppa Pig. She was the voice of Peppa Pig. No-one could possibly replace her!

So does anyone know what happened? Did Ms. Snowden-Fine retire from voice acting, or did she acquire some other commitments, or did they... *gasp*... sack her?

And who is her replacement? I didn't take in the name.


The Snowden-Fines moved to Canada, and Lily's accent changed, which meant she was no longer able to maintain the same performance from series one. Therefore Peppa had to be re-cast, and Cecily Bloom is now the voice of Peppa and doing a wonderful job.


Thanks for the reply. Was this reported somewhere, or do you have inside knowledge?

I didn't mean to impugn the new actress's performance. It's just that the voice of Lily Snowden-Fine as Peppa Pig has become so engrained into our family's consciousness that it was quite a shock to find that it had been replaced! Lily Snowden-Fine will be a sad loss to British voice acting, but I'll try my best to listen to the new voice with an open mind. :)

So do you know anything more about this Cecily Bloom? Is this her first experience of acting?
