There are only 3 scenarios that I can see that would make the slightest sense.
1. Hartnett taught Liu to become a world class assassin & they become a husband/wife team given some kind of weird incentive to kill Goodkat.
2. Harnett retired from assassin life, they have a family now and someone found out he he was formerly & blackmails him in some way to get back in the game.
3. Goodkat has gotten himself in trouble & only trusts/calls on Hartnett to get him out of it.
All of these are old & tired and some really great screen writer would need a miracle to make a sequel fresh & interesting
And, I don't think that the movie did all that well at the box office the first time around so now there is no hope of a sequel...besides these days studios only go for big money blockbusters so the only hope this one has is an independent studio or gofundme project (which personally I'd invest in).
Cheers...just my opinions
No offense intended...I've an opinion like everyone else
The back stories. From Goodkat giving Slevin his daddy's watch to training him as he grew up to be an assassin while - Godfather 2-like - we see the rise of the Boss and the Rabbi from soldiers to kingpins and the bad cop establishing himself in police work. Not sure, unfortunately, how telling Lucy Lou's story at this stage makes for a compelling line, unless, again, Godfather 2 like, the entire back story is told in a flashback sequence in the present as slevin tells her how it all went down.
This is probably obe of the most obviously derivative films I've seen in years. And, given the fact that it was produced 10+ years ago, was not that successful at the "box office", and left everyone of interest dead (good lord, how many great actors did they wipe out here), it would seem highly unlikely that anyone would want to 'green light' a sequel. Hartnett and Willis would be so much older that I doubt it would draw much of an audience.
I like the idea of flashback to slevin and goodcat. in the present they can have slevin and lindsay getting set up for a scam themselves (of course they are playing them too)