Utter failure ? I should say NOT
All the haters of the movie keep saying how bad it was --- I loved it and the $230,000,000.00 bucks it made says otherwise --- far from a failure ---
All the haters of the movie keep saying how bad it was --- I loved it and the $230,000,000.00 bucks it made says otherwise --- far from a failure ---
Good enough for a sequel. .
shareVery funny, compared to many that came after it..
shareI'm not sure why anyone would call it an utter failure. As you point out, it was commercially viable and that's all suits care about at the end of the day. However, as a fan of the tv show AND every actor on the screen, I was horribly disappointed. The writing was atrocious. Stale stereotyped jokes, weak retreads of ideas/plot, uninspired concepts. Not saying there are zero laughs (or at least smiles) to be had in it, there is way too much talent and charisma on staff to not make this stuff as palatable as possible. But this isn't remotely what it SHOULD have been. If people are saying utter failure, maybe they mean utter failure to capitalize on the talent at their disposal. That I would agree with.
Sequel, fine. But new writers, please. Hell, concept-wise, this began to unfold with an analyst that wanted to be, then NEEDED to be, in the field. That sounded like "Spy" to me. But Spy had some really funny writing and also a talented cast to pull it off. Imagine if THIS cast was given *that* script (switch genders on the lead). This would've been several notches higher on the rankings, I think.
It doesn't live up to the original series, but it's not a failure. It's okay.