MovieChat Forums > Flywheel (2003) Discussion > check out disc 2 for the amazing story o...

check out disc 2 for the amazing story of how it was made

By the end of the film I was pretty impressed since I usually don't care for films for films about people who's lives are changed by the Lord but I was really amazed to learn while reading the credits that it was directed, produced and co-written by the guy who was the main star. On disc 2 there's a 30 minute piece that explains how the film was that's really amazing (indeed the result of a lot of answered prayers). I'm not the least bit surprised that movie has changed people's lives. I highly recommend you check it out.


The guy who directed it came to my school today and told us all about it as well as the story behind Facing the Giants. It really is amazing that they were able to come up with that money through answered prayers.


It really is amazing that they were able to come up with that money through answered prayers.

What a scam. FTG is exactly what is wrong with the Christian church today. It thinks it's Christian, when in fact it is the exact opposite. FTG portrays God as a faucet tap of blessings that you turn on by being good. In all my 18 years of being a Christian, I have never seen anything remotely similar to anything in the entire FTG film. And let me tell you, I've seen plenty of God's blessings myself, but never in such a cut-and-dry manner. And not in such a contrived manner, either. The message of FTG is: "Be good and God gives you everything you want." FALSE. God wants us to work hard. Having faith in Him is wonderful, but it's not enough. Actions speak louder than words. But in FTG, words speak louder than actions. In fact, words blather in such a neverending guff that I might call them the sound and the fury: they're the unbearable sound, and they make me unbearably furious. "Facing the Giants" is proof that God sometimes lets bad people get good things while good people get nothing. The former case epitomizes the despicable church that made "Facing the Giants."

"Introduce a little anarchy." ~The Joker
"We Fascists are the only true anarchists." ~The Duke


i'm not sure what movie you are refering to, Fighting the Giants (which I haven't seen) or Flywheel.
However what you are saying is true about this movie.

"The message of FTG is: "Be good and God gives you everything you want." "

This movie basically says that you can sit on your butt, pray to God while your business is going under, and everything will work out.

There are many more God fearing people who are struggling, than there are crooks who are prospering.
