Why did I buy this?
I was looking through movies at Sam's Club and notice this movie for a reasonable price (I thought), and it had a picture of a vintage Triumph and a title of Flywheel.The back mentioned something about a man and his car business and it appeared to have good reviews.
I own a vintage British car and thought I was getting something interesting. I was shocked when i started watching. I actually watched the whole thing. Why was this being sold at Sam's Club for $8? It should have said in big type on the front "A Jesus film" with a picture of people praying, and be priced at $2.It had a somewhat interesting story, but it must have really been a really slow news day for the top story to be about an honest car dealer. And very little of the story was about the Triumph or flywheel. I wonder if I can sell it on Ebay for 50 cents, or give it to my church, but this gives the wrong message. Pray for money and suckers will give it to you.