Suitable for a kid to watch?

Hey all, my little sis(she's 9)wants to see this movie..... you guys reckon it'd be okay? Like, there's nothing too bad in it or anything right? (she likes stuff like Mallrats and anchorman...)


U.S.: "PG-13 - 13 and up
crude and sexual humor, language"

Singapore: "PG"

U.K.: "12A"

Ireland: "12A"

Portugal: "M/12"

13 + 12 + 12 + 12
÷ 4

The average age people around the would think that children should see this movie at is about over 12.

And dear God - how demented are your parents that they let a 9-year-old girl (I'm no prude, but hoping she was no younger than this age this age unless she was a newborn when she viewed it) watch Mallrats? If she saw Mallrats - which has the word "F@#$" probably over 50 times, conversations about oral sex/masturbation and shows Ben Affleck doing a 15-year-old from behind in front of a shopping mall full of people - she can probably see this PG-13 movie. I mean you guys don't seem to give a rat's ass what she watches anyway.

EDIT: I'm sorry about that. I'm not going to take it back, but I wish I would have said it a different way. I mean, that's pretty messed up. My God.


I personally wouldn't let her watch it. I loved it, but I'm considerably older. You may want to rethink what you're letting her watch though... Mallrats? That's a pretty nasty movie.




Let her watch it, if she's seen Mallrats, this is no big deal at all.

I wish people would stop freaking out about what kids watch. As long as they're mature enough to know that it's just a movie, they should be fine. She's probably too young to understand the more mature jokes anyway.

Sup N*ggas? - Ed


This is true. I started watching The Simpsons at like, 6 or 7. For some reason that was a big deal to other people outside my family. It's just a show and people need to know that we kids know that... and I know I'm probably sounding like a total hypocrite if you read my other reply but I was just shocked at that Mallrats thing. It's actually not that big a deal... because I also think that people hate kids seeing sex in movies more than violence which doesn't make sense. If a kid can see someone get there head chopped of and blood and crap everywhere then they can see something with a little sexual content.

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My smile brings me pain. <|3



if she's seen mallrats, she's seen too much. this movie is cleaner but not squeaky clean. there are some adult themes, mild sexuality, frequent language and the obligatory PG13 una-F-bomber (which actually was pretty funny the way they used it). if i had a 9-year-old sister, i would only let her watch PG movies, but that's just me!


I'm here with the same question. Only my daughter is eleven. She saw a short piece of this film, and she thought it looked funny. She wants to see it because the employees have shoes with wheels, just like her shoes. So you see, she's not mature, because if this is the reason why she wants to see this picture ...

And personally, I don't want to waste my time (and hers) with movies that have no respect for girls. I'm fed up with all the stupid jokes about breasts (and worse). And I'm afraid it is again that kind of movie with which mostly only boys are laughing. Am I right ?


She wants to see it because the employees have shoes with wheels, just like her shoes. So you see, she's not mature, because if this is the reason why she wants to see this picture ...

Yeah, that is pretty stupid. And it's only the main character who has wheels in his shoes, and he uses them about three times throughout this 1-hour-and-50-minute film.

personally, I don't want to waste my time (and hers) with movies that have no respect for girls. I'm fed up with all the stupid jokes about breasts (and worse). And I'm afraid it is again that kind of movie with which mostly only boys are laughing. Am I right ?

That's why there's ratings, woman. "PG-13: parents strongly cautioned. May not appropriate for pre-teens. Crude and sexual humor, and [profanity]."

"Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!!"


Thanks, man.
Sure, I look at those ratings, but that doesn't always say much. I don't mind that my daughter hears/sees sexual humour, only if its good humour. But mostly, it isn't.


I saw it at about 11 so yah, I was mature and stuff but there are really some funny jokes... but if she wants to see it because if the awesome shoes then...
maybe not for her. She might not even like it since only one character wears those shoes and only for the first part of a movie.
Your pain makes me smile.<3
My smile brings me pain. <|3


Hmm... I saw it last year when I was like...12 or 11. That's like 3 years older... so, I guess not. I saw PG-13 movies at 9.... but Mallrats!? Wow... I'm not even allowed to mention that I know what that is. And I'm 13. But I do anyway. xD I saw Mean Girls when I was 9... I think... 9 or 10 so, yah go for it.

Your pain makes me smile.<3
My smile brings me pain. <|3


To be prefectly honest I don't think this film is suitable for anyone to watch. There are better movies out there
