Jessica Simpsons Acting

I am just wondering why they cast Jessica Simpson. She has to be the worst actress, ever. Obviously it is all about her looks, she has no acting ability at all. She really should stick with singing.



Her dad was a producer for this film. I wonder if her got her the job or she got him the job.


Was it just me or did anyone else notice how she didn't seem to move her mouth at all when saying some of her lines? Like the lines she said when she was smiling - it just looked odd.

Dreading the start of my master's courses and working with 2 new (snobby) teammates in the fall. :(


How about the part where her and Dane are having an intimate convo, and while the camera is looking over her shoulder, her whole head turns to look over off shot to the right. This is while he is talking, and she is completely not pay attention.

She left character to look at a tuna cart and wondered if it was Chicken.

I hate how IMDb signatures look like part of the post.




Simpson is a poor actress but her performance was appropriate to the material. Lame, mediocre fare like this does not require DeNiro/Streep caliber actors. Jessica was obviously cast for her looks and boobs and not acting talent. I'm at a loss to explain why any of the male actors were cast. None were particularly attractive or talented.


I'm at a loss to explain why any of the male actors were cast. None were particularly attractive or talented
I reckon that's a matter of opinion. I think Dax Shepard's career can really take off one day. Mark my words.

Harsh Times: 9/10
Munich: 7/10
Balls of Fury: 5/10


I agree with you. He was a surprise, a very talented guy.

I'm also glad someone pointed out Simpson's awful acting abilities. But it's no surprise at the type of role she was given in this film.


Why do they insist on putting singers who can't act in movies? I mean, on the one hand you've got Tim McGraw, who is clearly talented at both, and he deserves to be cast. And then you have Simpson, who, well, let's just say wasn't blessed with the acting gene. I was grateful she wasn't in this movie as much as I thought she would be. It's passable as silly fun, otherwise.

She made Dane Cook look like Pacino.


You think Tim McGraw can act? Did you see the Blind Side?


Excuse me but Dane cook is VERY good looking.


Is it just me or does it seem like she didn't even have a lot of lines. I mean compared to the other main actors in the movie. Next time you watch it count how many times she is in a scene and how many times shes just there to look at or maybe spurt off one line. She was definitly eye candy.


Yup. She's just eye candy. We're suppose to take her facial expressions on cue... Really is a bad actress...


Her dad became a producer of the film after she got the role. If he didn't he was going to pull from the project!

"All year long you have been calling him Bob, his name's not Bob, it's Bob, "Bo." ,"Bo"!


For the person who said that Tim McGraw is a talented at both singing and acting, I must disagree. While I do appreciate his musical talents, he is far from a talented actor. The only roles he plays are rednecks, and considering he himself is a redneck he isn't really acting.


First of all this happens to be a silly comedy made to amuse the simple man so her acting is basically irrelevant. Her role here was that of eyecandy and any heterosexual male will testify that she pulled that off like a pro. Secondly this was so bad a movie that the only reason I could watch it was because of her presence in it. So to whomever cast her: KUDOS! And bring on the next crappy movie so long as it has her in it.


What did you expect? It's a low brow comedy movie. It's not like she had some super interesting character with tons of depth. She did as well as anybody could've with the script.


I thought she had a nice natural quality about her. She wasn't bad at all.


...i didn't think she was bad at all


She just needed to look good and shoe off her cleavage!

Its that man again!!
