The Gold Stars

Did I miss something or did they work every single day of the month? There were no gaps in the gold star awards. Even if you work full time at a store like this you get 2 days off per week but the chart showed them working every day of the month...

I can see you make a habit of missing the point.


Ya that was weird


I noticed that too. It took me a while though since I've been watching this movie for years and just realized that a few days ago


They never had a day off!

Its that man again!!


Well actually it certainly appeared that they worked every day of the month. And certainly for Dax's 2 week stint at the beginning of the month he clearly worked every day.

And although it also appeared, and was also inferred, they worked all the remaining 15 days of the month as well, they could have had days off during that period that the movie just skipped over. And for those days where one of them was off, the other one who was working that day copped the gold star.


And they were, apparently, unionized, unless that was bullshit from Vince, which is possible. A working-poor chain like Walmart, Target or Costco will NEVER allow a union in; and a union will NEVER allow a member who’s on break to work while on break, like Vince leaving his break to race Zack for an aisle clean-up; nor would his GM approved of him doing so.
