A2M yes or no?

So here's the million dollar question this movie never really answers: is it cool to go from ass to mouth or you should never go ass to mouth?
I've never done it and I would definitely think less of my GF if she ever proposes it. Certainly I wouldn't want to kiss her for a long time afterwards.
But I might be a prude.
It's all over porn but that doesn't mean much in the real world.
What's the general consensus, of people that have done it, and would they recommend it?


is it really all over porn?
how much porn & what type are you watching?


the type that they produce now, not 20 years ago.


Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's forgivable to go ass to mouth.


Well that's what's said in the movie.
1-forgivable means it's something bad. So, is it something bad afterall? What makes it bad?
2-If it's not something bad, why only sometimes?


If you need to ask if something is cool then it is not.


Hell no! It's absolutely disgusting.


Are you talking from personal experience or is it just an uninformed opinion?


I'm talking from a scientific, hygienic basis. Uninformed? I don't put my mouth where shit comes out.


By your logic, no oral sex should exist either...
I can only hope that anybody trying it out will have the decency to clean up beforehand. Hence, the hygienic factor should not exist.
So, in this case, you are giving your uninformed opinion.


Sorry but no. You're the one who is clearly uninformed. Shit is toxic and can make one very ill. One would have to go to great lengths to clean up "enough" for it to be safe. But hey, if you like licking assholes, bon Appetit.


lol exactly. So many don't realize that porn stars go to those great lengths you were talking about. So, they just watch some video and say, "Hey, I'm gonna try that soon."

It's fucking gross. Don't do it.


Yes ok, but charliekelly are you talking from direct experience or are you imagining things like chilone?
I am as informed as I could be without directly trying it.


you havent said if you want to try it


I'd like to know what's the general consensus before I decide if I want to try it or not.
It seems that everybody talking about it has never even tried it, so how can I knowledgeably make my mind about it?


You should really have a pretty good idea of wether or not you want to lick someones shitty asshole even before the survey results are in of wether its "cool" or not .


What am I imagining? Pray tell.


Here you go:


A lot of the precautions they recommend including a Hepatitis vaccine (shouldn't that tell you something?) sure seem like a BIG buzz kill and even then, risk isn't eliminated.

Are these people uninformed and imagining things too?


Well, I've never been a part of any "A2M", but I have participated in some "A2open air", if you will, and I can confidently say, at that point, it belonged in no one's mouth.


Well ok, but what sort of preparation has the A done beforehand?
I wanna believe that there's some thorough cleansing procedure if A2M is in the program. Like, it's not really something that just happens, no?


Yeah, definitely. If you just really want to do it, it can definitely be done. I'd recommend at least a day-and-a-half fast and a series of enemas, at minimum. That said, I'm certainly no doctor. There has to be someone better that you can ask.

As for the context in the film though, I'm pretty sure it's talking about the average person that hasn't had any of that done. Rosario's character says something like, "In the heat of the moment...", but I'd have to disagree and still give a resounding "No" to the average untreated asshole.


Yes, that sounds reasonable thinking to me too.
I still would love to hear from somebody that knows directly and can give us a review.
It sounds to me that in the movie she's saying that to be "hip" to a dirty pig Dante & Randall type, she just didn't want to lose face. But in reality she's never done it.
The actress herself looks almost embarassed by having to say it, so I'm guessing she's also never done it.
Plus, on top of it all, I put a sure as fuck bet on Kevin Smith never having done it, he's just writing it in his movie as a titillating topic for nerds like him, like "wouldn't it be cool to have a flying car".


Hello, 1st post...

If you know your partner well and they clean out real good, why not, if the froth is clear/white with no brown. I would guess that most ppl wouldn't do it, but if they're into it go at it. Tho getting a corn kernel in your mouth would be a big turn off.


Helluva first post. Welcome.
