Best line ever

Don't know if it was a newer episode or what but I came across an episode while flipping channels showing a suspect being interrogated. What it came down to was the suspect didn't have an answer for why he made calls to his mom from the victim's cell phone three days after he had been murdered. The exchange at the end went something like this:

Suspect: Man, you're trying to knock down an airplane with a stone. It's not going to happen.

Detective: And you're trying to block out the sun with a finger.

The suspect went completely silent after that. Just thought that was an awesome line by the detective.


I like that Cleveland newer episode when 2 older detectives did the case of Mental Young mother was beaten to death and sat on fire, she already lost custody of all her kids due to her mental illness.

Suspect: "I'm going home right behind you"

Detective: "Don't say that you're going because the DAMN sure that you ain't goin' home"

I loved those Old school detectives.


I don't remember the episode, but one suspect gave the detective a story that was completely false and the detective just looked dumbfounded and said, "That sounds a little a LIE!" He just literally didn't have words for the suspect and it was hilarious.


Haha, I'm watching one now that has a good one

Det.: Do you know where you are?
Perp: It seems that I'm at the homicide unit
Det : Yes you're at homicide
Perp: Who's Homicide
Det : Did you kill more than one person!


Oh my gosh, that literally made my husband and I laugh out loud!!


That was a great line. "did you kill more than on person."


Was that the same suspect, who, upon being informed he was in the Homicide department said "who got homidiced?" Yes, I spelled it as he pronounced it.


I think the best line had to come a few weeks ago with a crazy lady

Det: When's the last time you saw him?

Crazy Killer: I saw him a week before I killed him, why?

I think me and everyone watching that episode jaw dropped. The lady said it so calm like she was talking to a friend. Turned out she had not only killed that guy but another one too. I still don't know how the detective didn't fall out his seat when she said it.

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


Memphis PD Detective Lundy to a suspect,

So you're kind of in between a big rock, and I'm the hard place....And I'm getting real close to pushing your little skinny ass up against that rock"


Just saw that now. Wow.


One which really cracked me up:

Detective goes to interrogate the girl of the main suspect. She's heavily pregnant. He is not there, but the suspect and her children are there: she gets really stressed out when she sees the detective asking around.

Detective: Don't worry. This has nothing to do with you.

She: But it has to do with him. I'm going to have his child tomorrow.

Detective [looking at her as though she were crazy]: Well, calm down. DON'T HAVE IT TODAY.


I remember that episode! I saw it about 2 months ago. The way she said it was so eerie that it still makes me cringe to even think about it. I've never seen such a cold hearted woman who didn't have an ounce of remorse in her body.



What Season and Episode was this


Hey OP, i just recently watched that episode. It was about the murder of the transexual, and the suspect was Cuban. He was never charged for the murder, as they couldn't find enough evidence to charge him for it.


I loved the episode when the detective revealed to the suspect that they had evidence and witnesses against him

Suspect: Uh oh.


The best line I've ever heard wasn't on the first 48 show, but from one of my uncles who's a NOPD Detective that was involved in a shooting. The one lawyer asked him so you shot to kill Mr. Whatever his name was. And my uncle without a moments pause said NO I shot to stay alive!


These are fun, but i think the best line is whatever gets an honest confession


Best ridiculous defense line ever: My cousin was one of the officers involved in an arrest after a stabbing. Came time for trial, the guy goes on the stand and is being questioned by the prosecutor. "So what's your idea for how Mr. Jones was stabbed?" "It was an accident." "Really." "Yeah. We were struggling for the knife, and he fell on it." "Seven times?"


my favorite convo was from an episode where a young woman was found murdered in miami.

detective: "So what do you have to say for yourself? you WERE the last person to be around this girl before she was murdered. your dna was all over the scene"

suspect: " Listen i promise you, like promise promise, on my gramma grave promise she wasnt dead before me and her made love."

Detective: in a disgusted sarcastic tone - " okay if you promise on your grandma then we have to believe you right."

suspect : "is that mean i can go home? i can call my gramma to have her come pick me up."

detective: "i thought you just said your grandma was dead."

Suspect: "well she have cancer so she prolly gonna die soon."


Too almost makes its own convoluted lowlife logic, sort of like Gravy Train making its own gravy...

