This isn't political. It's got nothing to do with conservative vs. liberal anything. The fact that people make gun and killing issues into something besides plain logic and common sense is why people keep getting killed and deflecting the blame. Getting political about it just clouds the issue.
Right wing people can murder just as bad as left wing people rich murder just as well as poor. But people like to use crime to step on soap boxes and complain about people in general rather than than holding the actual families the produce these criminals as well as the criminals themselves accountable. Each person that kills is a killer and usually kills because they have all these political smokescreens to hide behind. The issue is what makes these people think they have the right to take a life and how they many times aren't fully punished or remorseful.
Just like you said the family blamed the guns, conservatives blame liberals, liberals blame conservative, but who is reminding the public of the evil that the actual murderer committed. When I watch shows like these I feel just as angry at the rich people that kill on Forensic files and 48 hours Mystery as I do the poorer killers on this show. They're all the same to me no matter what race or class.
Murderers don't value life. If they didn't have a gun they'd use, knives, poison or their bear hands. If they get away with it or people blame the weapons or society, more murders feel vindicated and feel they either have a right or have no choice. The victims families need to stop publicly forgiving these killers, blaming the weapons, and say that this evil person killed my loved one. A lot of the deaths on these shows are by stabbing, strangulation and other means, but you don't see the families blaming the knives, or hands.
The murderers out there then know there's a good chance that they'll be forgiven and everything will be blamed, but them. I can't help but think that the murderers that were prosecuted are sitting sin jail watching themselves and laughing at the family's forgiveness.