One thing you should realize is that in all seasons, the show takes place in large cities (Miami, Memphis, Dallas, Harris Co., Detroit, Cleveland, ect.) Just about everyone of these cities, if not all of them, are minority-majority cities. I live in Dallas, where many episodes were filmed and the city is less than 30% Caucasian. Likewise, in Harris Co. (Houston), about the same percentage due to white flight. The white murders happen in the suburbs and rural areas and are investigated by the police or sheriff dept. in those municipalities and counties, which don't contract with the show.
However, I recall a few episodes where the suspects were white. The "Wildflower" lady in Dallas (white suspect), the gay guys in Louisville (both white), and a couple of the earlier episodes. Like I said, demographics of the city. It's just the reality. Violent crime is likely to be perpetuated by poor folks who are unemployed or unemployable and support themselves through burglary, robbery, or dealing dope and all of these carry a risk of homicide. Most of the poor folks in these cities are black or Latino. The whites in Dallas have their own neighborhoods which are generally gated and have 24-hour private, armed security guards funded by their Homeowner Associations patrolling in addition to the DPD. We do get white victims of homicide in Dallas but it's usually the white folks who aren't armed and that is becoming fewer and fewer over the years. Most of the white folks I know (I am black) are packing, even the women.