MovieChat Forums > The First 48 (2004) Discussion > Why is everyone black, poor, or a minori...

Why is everyone black, poor, or a minority?

I have watched many episodes over of the years, and all the episodes I've watched have been centered on young minorities victimizing others in their own community. Black on black crimes, poor on poor crimes, etc. You'd think Miami is a 3rd world country where the only way to survive is by committing crimes.

Has this show ever shown a middle class crime of any kind?



What in the world?


Welcome to the inner-city. That's why so many flee to the suburbs.


Welcome to the inner-city. That's why so many flee to the suburbs.

That probably is large part of it. I also suspect that any crimes that they handle that involve the middle class are handle differently and the (innocent) people involved won't give permission to shown on TV.


Welcome to the inner-city. That's why so many flee to the suburbs.

That probably is large part of it. I also suspect that any crimes that they handle that involve the middle class are handle differently and the (innocent) people involved won't give permission to shown on TV.


Did you also get the papers, you racist *beep*

You're welcome.




Your title is a bit redundant because blacks are a minority.

Poor people are more likely to commit crimes. Most poor people are non-white.

Simple. Crime is more likely to be committed when people are destitute.


In the inner cities, blacks are in many cases the majority of the population.



Most poor people in the United States are "white".

See Table 1:

~25.6 million "white" people in poverty
~9.4 million "black" people
~11.1 million "Hispanic origin"

Poverty is not a solution to this question.


Per capita; ever heard of it?


One thing you should realize is that in all seasons, the show takes place in large cities (Miami, Memphis, Dallas, Harris Co., Detroit, Cleveland, ect.) Just about everyone of these cities, if not all of them, are minority-majority cities. I live in Dallas, where many episodes were filmed and the city is less than 30% Caucasian. Likewise, in Harris Co. (Houston), about the same percentage due to white flight. The white murders happen in the suburbs and rural areas and are investigated by the police or sheriff dept. in those municipalities and counties, which don't contract with the show.

However, I recall a few episodes where the suspects were white. The "Wildflower" lady in Dallas (white suspect), the gay guys in Louisville (both white), and a couple of the earlier episodes. Like I said, demographics of the city. It's just the reality. Violent crime is likely to be perpetuated by poor folks who are unemployed or unemployable and support themselves through burglary, robbery, or dealing dope and all of these carry a risk of homicide. Most of the poor folks in these cities are black or Latino. The whites in Dallas have their own neighborhoods which are generally gated and have 24-hour private, armed security guards funded by their Homeowner Associations patrolling in addition to the DPD. We do get white victims of homicide in Dallas but it's usually the white folks who aren't armed and that is becoming fewer and fewer over the years. Most of the white folks I know (I am black) are packing, even the women.


Pretty much nail on the head.


One reason for the discrepancy is that I think the participation of the surviving family members is required in order for it to air. I would suspect that upper middle-class families would be hesitant to have their stories appear on national television. I could be wrong though, but I bet that's part of the reason why you never see well-to-do families on The First 48.


One reason for the discrepancy is that I think the participation of the surviving family members is required in order for it to air. I would suspect that upper middle-class families would be hesitant to have their stories appear on national television. I could be wrong though, but I bet that's part of the reason why you never see well-to-do families on The First 48.

Yeah, I do think that is part of it. Its also likely money has something to do with it. The show probably only pays a couple hundred to get consent, and for middle class people that is not worth it, but for the poor victims and their families they will take anything they can get.

Imagine living in the US in areas where the police are there every day arresting people and investigating crimes.

And what I find truly interesting, its nearly always poor-on-poor crimes. They rarely venture outside poor neighborhoods into the middle class or upper class. Carreer Criminals know they get away with victimizing their neighbors, but if they dare go into the nicer neighborhoods and commit crimes, the wrath off the middle and upper class will demand that law enforcement spend millions tracking them. If They rob their neighbors, more than likely the crime will go unsolved because is poor-on-poor that happens practically everyday where they live, its not poor-on-middle Class.


Actually Blacks don't commit a disproportionate number of crimes. Blacks are disproportionately policed, arrested, charged and convicted of crimes. The crime rates are about the same actually (per Ann Coulter) and if whites were treated by the police and the "justice" system as non-whites are, things would look quite a bit different.


Lmao @ Ann Coulter!


Well I think Ann Coulter is low-life trash but to shut up the anti-black crowd, the name of racist piece of trash, such as Ann has to be thrown out there to show that even she can't make the BS claim that Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime.


Regarding violent crime, that just sadly isn't true.

2013 (most recent numbers available), Table 43, FBI Uniform Crime Reports


Homicide: 8,383/3,799/4,379
Rape: 13,515/8,946/4,229
Robbery: 78,538/32,945/44,271
Ag Assault: 291,031/183,092/98,748

For "the big 4", black rate is far higher than any other ethnic identity in the US.



You're kidding right? Are you really suggesting the police will not pursue a murder suspect as vigorously if he is white instead of black? "Yeah, he killed that girl, but he's white, so its all cool?" The cold hard truth is that blacks, while only comprising about 10% of the population commit most of the murders. Even when you remove socio-economic status as a factor, blacks males are still significantly more likely to commit murder than males of any other ethnicity.

I'm sure the show would love to get a little diversity, it is just that most of these crimes are committed by black males. Sad, but true.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Sorry, just seeing this reply. Looked at your first sentence and saw the use of the murder angle and pretty much knew your response was going to complete and utter bull$hit and alas it was. Murder makes up a small part of overall crimes committed but you and many like you use it as the representative of the majority of crimes and that is just wrong. Whites commit the majority of crimes. Full stop. But people like you continue to pull that out of your butts because Blacks are over-represented in that area. Once again, Blacks DO NOT disproportionately commit crime, the crime rates are similar, police DO profile, arrest and charge blacks at higher rates than whites for similar crimes. Enough studies have been done about this, time to take your head out of the sand.


^^ said it all
White supremacy is why.

I'm lookin' like a boss head-to-toe Costco


Poor communities have high crime rates the world over, no matter the ethnicities involved.


The direct link to violent crime is not poverty. The DIRECT link is to fatherlessness. Unfortunately, the link to poverty is fatherlessness, as well. So, while poor males commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes, it is not because they are poor; it is because they grew up without their fathers and all the good fathers bring to conscience, morality, and ability to self-discipline.
