MovieChat Forums > The First 48 (2004) Discussion > Has This Show Lost Its Mojo?

Has This Show Lost Its Mojo?

You know I use to be a big fan of The First 48 but over the last 4 years or so it kinda went down hill. The first couple of seasons had some of the the best detectives you can find; Caroline Mason, Tony Mullins, Rick Duggan, Toney Armstrong, Joe Schillaci, Eddie Ibarra etc..... The newer seasons with Atlanta, New Orleans and Tulsa don't compare to Miami, Memphis, Dalla etc. Something is just missing. Not sure, maybe the show has run its course.. I mean how many times can the narrator says "he was taken to the hospitals where he was pronounced dead" before it gets repetitive lol... or maybe the new detectives are not that interesting...? Anyone feel the same?


Lol my BF and I have this ongoing joke about every episode is narrated by saying "the victim was taken to the hospital... but he dies" dun dun dun..!

Actually I agree there are some differences aside from location changes. This season has had mostly had 1 case episodes as opposed to 2- and the story and pacing benefits.

Each season seems to spend less and less time on the grieving families-this is a good thing. Not only least interesting parts but also feels kinda of intrusive.

Some of the early Joe Schillaci episodes were OTT dramatic and way too focused on him and not the case. This resulted in early seasons to feel like a different show completely.

There is still a comparable ratio of interesting cases(who dunnits) to boring (gang, domestic.)

The new detectives are also comparatively ok. Unfortunately, not everyone can be a Sgt. Mason!


Thanks for respondingšŸ˜ƒ.. Not saying it has gotten worse but the spark that made it so good dimmed a bit. They rarely show the first 3 season on tv but yesterday I was switching channels and came across A&E and they showed episodes from season 1 and 2.. Season 2 was Kansas city which I forgot they did lol.. But it was more suspenseful and gritty than the ones I see today. I mean they literally showed the body several times on the ground where today they do it so quickly.. like they show just the hand and the rest is blurred ..

I actually liked when they focused a bit on the detective lives.. Remember Miami when they had a new member and made fun of him and called him grasshopper? lol.. yeah it was hilarious though the episode of the killing were sad. There was a balance.. But i do appreciate all the detective today ..they are growing on me.. i'm actually warming up to New Orleans team lately.. And I noticed the announcer has slightly changed up "he was taken to the hospital where he dies" lol... you will noticed it he adds and taken away some words lol


TL;DR regarding my above post: I agree there have been changes, disagree that they've mostly occurred in the last 4 seasons instead of the first 4.

I also disagree that the show has gotten worse. It has definitely improved in many ways.


Yes. It's become very bland. Something changed around 3 seasons or so ago. It's boring once they left Miami, Texas, etc.

The cases aren't as interesting and they rarely get confessions. The detectives aren't as good at questioning either. It's become very formulaic and nowhere near as interesting as the earlier years.


Hell no


