Confused: Nominating Speech, 1924 Convention, Warm Springs
I just finished watching "Sunrise at Campobello" which also ended with Roosevelt making Smith's nomination speech but now I'm confused. "Sunrise at Campobello" never showed Roosevelt going to Warms Springs. I mentioned this to my mother and she said she thought Roosevelt didn't go until AFTER the Smith nomination. I told her about this movie and that all the planning, learning to walk, etc. took place BEFORE the nomination and that the movie also ended with the Smith nomination speech. To prove this to my mother I looked up when Roosevelt first went to Warm Springs and found that it was October 3, 1924 ( The Democratic Convention where Roosevelt famously nominated Smith took place June 24 - July 9, 1924. ( and
As best I remember this movie focused on Roosevelt's days at Warm Springs and ended showing the progress he had made by his walking to the podium to nominate Smith at the convention. But if the convention happened before he ever went to Warm seems odd to me that the sequence of events was changed. I know facts are often skewed to make for a more dramatic arc but no one mentions this as a goof on IMDb. Then I noticed the synopsis of this movie reads, "A look at Franklin D. Roosevelt's pre-presidency days, from his being diagnosed with polio one year after his unsuccessful bid for the White House as presidential nominee James Cox's running mate, through his rehabilitation in Warm Springs, Ga., to his nomination of Al Smith for Democratic Presidential candidate in 1928." So then I began to wonder if Roosevelt nominated Smith twice. (From what I can find, he did not. But even if he did it would not have been the dramatic first public steps of the first speech.)
So...did this movie get it as wrong as I think it did, that the speech came first and THEN Warm Springs or am I remembering it incorrectly (or did I miss something)?