Okay, I know people might freak out about this, but just go with me...
Anybody think a real remake of the Wizard of Oz would be cool? I mean, put Tim Burton behind it, grab some great actors, and make a grteat movie... That would be cool.
I mean, for starters, think John C. Reilly as the cowardly lion... (please dont hate me) Jonny Depp as the scarecrow, angelica huston as the wicked witch, morgan freeman as the wizard... just go with it. Who do you think should do it? Anybody?
>> Stickin' feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken...
Are you talking about remaking the 1939 musical, or the books? Both remakes would probably be overshadowed by the original- but even moreso a musical remake. Anyway, not that I'm begging for a remake, if one was made I'd like to see
Wicked Witch: either Angelica Houston or Bette Midler (camp yet scary in Hocus Pocus)
Cowardly Lion: John C Reilly's not a bad idea
Scarecrow: Definitely not Johnny Depp, I don't know who could play him- but definitely not Depp.
Glinda: Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellwegger, basically anyone incredibly glamorous yet who may be able to be a little camp.
OMG, this is the most ridiculous post I've ever seen. You guys are discussing a movie that isn't going to be made. You're talking about real big name actors that you somehow think are looking to commit career suicide by remaking the Wizard of flippin' Oz.
There is no good way to remake this movie and no way that big actors would agree to it. Why do you think the movie is being made by the muppets and Ashanti? Simple, if it flops, the muppets will still exist and no one is really going to miss Ashanti.
ummm, apparently you never saw "THE WIZ" or havent heard about teh burton reamil of charlie and teh chocolate factory. People remake movies all the flippin time. as far as wizard of oz goes, its only a matter of time, and, itll probably happen within the next 5 years
Hey Hey, back off with the nasty WIZ remarks. the casting of Diana Ross was an absolute disaster, but contracts, star vehicles, hollywood polotics, blah, blah, blah...all that aside the rest of the principals are pretty friggin' excelent. The design of the film alone makes it worth at least one viewing. Not only is it a fashionable (for the 70's) update (as well as being very loyal to Baum's novel) but very cleverly adapted to NYC settings and themes - as Dorothy, in ANY version, knows nothing much more of the world than her current surroundings, be it Kansas or Manhattan.
-munchkins "imprisoned" in grafitti in a dilapidated Madison Square Garden (I think) -"Following" (albeit forced) the yellow brick road off-duty yellow-cabs -The Witch of the West's slave-labor sweatshop (sad to say, we've still got 'em) -motorcycle monkey gang with tailpipes for "wings" -Opium den "poppy field" complete with "entertainers" to slow down those not emotionally and intellectually retarded (or those who are able to inhale the smack - we've still got them too, but Gulliani pushed them all past 10th avenue) -disguising the Lion inside one of the iconic NYC Public Library lions -OZ controlling the country AND the fashion trends after setting up base-camp in World Wrade Center Plaza - Changing the color as he pleases (exchanging Baum's green glasses for more technologically current multi colored lights)
And Story-wise, it follows the original novel better than the 1939 film. (FYI the stage production follows the events in Baum's novel even better).
So I agree that it's not a great film as a whole, but for Dorothy to be as old as she is written to be in this version and to be as emotionally and socially stunted as Miss Ross portrays her, is specifically what destroys the picture.
what about dorothy? there is no good actress young enough to play her. i mean, ok, you got lindsay lohan, no. hilary duff, no. raven, no. mandy moore, no. that girl from tuck everlasting, no. anne hathaway, she might be good. you never know. the wicked witch, angelica huston. she alwayz gets the evil characters, but it seems good for her. i mean, did you SEE her in the witch? she was awesome. lol jim carrey would be better for the lion. i cant see him as the scarecrow. i just cant.
I would love to be in charge of making The WONDERFUL Wizard of Oz, not a remake of the 1939 version. I believe the book is completely different enough to steer away from remaking the classic and making a "true to the book" version a classic.
Why get a big name star to play Dorothy. Find a good 6 year old child to play Dorothy as the book depicts her.
Maggie Smith as the Good Witch of the North.
Kate Winslet as Glinda, the Good Witch of the South.
I like the idea of Angelica Huston but I dont see her being old enough because my Wcked Witch would be old and dried up.
And either I would go with a real Lion or a computer generated Lion. You could get big names for the Scarecrow and Tinman but they looked awesome in Return to Oz so I would go with something like that.
I actually think Johnny Depp would be good in an Oz film but I don't know where I would place him.
Now we're talking. When I was a kid and was in love with the musical movie, I read the book and was so taken away by how different it was. I'd love to see the adventures after Dorothy and Co. leave the Emerald City, like the Dainty China Country. Even as a kid I would wish there was a version like the book. I like your ideas for the cast. Definitely a real/CG lion that looked like a real lion, not some guy in a costume. Same with the scarecrow and tinman. I like in one illustration I saw of the Tin Man he was made up of tin parts, like a teapot for a head. I can't imagine anyone for the Wicked Witch of the West... Maggie Smith would be awesome as the Witch of the North, but I always imagined her as being really short... And it would be cool if they stick to the whole series, like each region of Oz having its own color.
Wow. I got a bit over-excited. Like I said, ever since I was a young'un (I'm 19 now), I'd always wish there would be a movie like the book. NOT a remake of the musical. Like WTH said, "The WONDERFUL Wizard of Oz."
Some ideas for directors....Tim Burton, Peter Jackson...
Anyway, I think it's about time for this film to be made. With all these other "true to the book" versions being made (Lord of the Rings, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), I'd like to see it done. Just hope a studio has the cojones to do it.....
"Tis the chocolate covered finger of a man named Clark..."
No you didn't get over excited. It really would be awesome. I LOVE the movie but the book is so much better and alot more action to it. The movie left out all the awesome scenes like:
a look at how the Scarecrow and Tinman came to be
the Kalidahs
the raging river where they almost loose the Scarecrow
the field mice
the other forms that the Wizard took shape as
the Witch's wolves, crows, bees, and Winkies
and like you said their journey to Glinda's where they encounter the China country, the Hammerheads, and Lion becomes king of the forest after killing the monster spider.
And we can't forget the SILVER shoes either, lol and the fact that it was not a dream, it was all real.
After that I could see a nicely done sequel, "The Marvelous Land of Oz." ;)
I think that would be a great thing. There's only one problem: people are too infatuated with the 1939 musical to except anything else. Let's face it, no one would be able to live up to the Judy Garland musical, and it would be a tough one to attempt. I would love to see a new Oz project soon though...other than the Muppets (as much as I'm excited to see it) I've been a collector for a decade, and your suggestion is intriguing. Have you by chance seen Return to Oz?
Yeah, I own those versions. I got the first 2 when I was little then they recently put them out on DVD and I got them. They're animated versions and are "so so". I was really talking more about live action.
I absolutely love Return to Oz. I don't care what people said about it being "too graphic", it was great. But hey, that's how the books are. And you are very right, people would not go into a new version of Oz without Judy Garland's version in their mind, and if they look at that way then they most likely wouldn't like it. That's why Return to Oz got panned. I think it's sad though cause a new version has a lot of potential if done correctly.
I to have been a collector for many years. The Wizard of Oz was shown daily in our home when I was a baby and I'm sure that's where my love for it started. Now I'm 19 and my room is wall to wall Oz. I one day hope to have my own Oz book on bookshelves.
I remember one evening back in the day I was having myself a nice lil doobie and thought what a great idea it would be to do another OZ movie. This time around focus more on being closer to the books. I think Baz Luhrman would be a good choice for director. Have fun with it. Doesn't have to be a musical. Infact if an OZ musical is ever produced for film it most likely will be based off of WICKED. I love WICKED! It is hard to see the other OZ films in the same way that I used to ;-)
Okay, folks, here's the deal. The person who originally posted this used my computer, and therefore my account, but I had also come up with this idea (not that I think it is impossible for any of the other 6 billion people on the planet to have thought of it).
Anyway, my original conept was thus: 1) Give Tim Burton creative liscence to make a new Wizard of Oz movie, independent of the previous films, and 2) hopefully cast Jonny Depp as Scarecrow.
I myself have read the original book, and think it would be interesting to see what Mr. Burton takes from it. Why Timmy? I just love his style, and I think he could make a fantastic rendition of Oz. I'm not looking for a literal translation of the book of course, but regardless, I'm more looking forward to what Tim Burton's crazy mind would dream up for the Oz universe.
I very much disagree with the statement that nobody would accept a remake without Judy Garland. There have been too many remakes of too many other movies to disprove that. The original Ocean's Eleven starred the Rat Pack. The newer version did very well in theaters (although I did not like the sequel). It has been long enough since the original was made, and there is plenty of potential for this idea (and I also do agree that Dorothy should be younger. Maybe Dakota Fanning? I don't know. Usually in such a casting dillema, I just say go for a no-name).
One more thing: NO CG CHARACTERS. Apparently Jar Jar Binks did not have the same effect on everyone else as it did me and everyone else I know. Yeah, Gollum was well done, but I still do not like full CG characters. Leave it as a man in a lion suit. It would be a better looking suit, probably, but Tim Burton knows best. We all know that lions can't talk. Why try to make it look so realistic?
Anyway, I'm glad to see that most of you are enthusiastic about this idea. Maybe someday it will get picked up. Or heck, I'm heading for Hollywood next year, maybe I'll just give it to Burton myself.
Dorothy=Unknown Little Girl or Dakota Fannning Lion=Nathan Lane or Drew Carey (possible voice if they get a really realistic CGI) TinMan=Some tall skinny dude Scarecrow= Jim Carrey Aunt Em=Rosemary Harris Uncle Henry= Cliff Robertson The Wizard= Morgna Freem an (maybe) Glinda=Someone Very Pretty North Witch= Gwen Stefani Wicked Witch of the West=?
Dorothy Gale: Dakota Fanning (from "Uptown Girls" and "Hide and Seek")
Aunt Em : Susan Sarandon (from "Dead Man Walking")
Uncle Henry : Brian Cox (from "The Ring")
The Good Witch of the North : Fionala Flannigan (from "The Others")
The three companion : Hopefully animatronic puppets, like those used in Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. CGI looks too fake and an animated character loses the heart of something that is physically there. But people in costumes would just look too fake, even if the costumes were elaborate as those used in the 1939 movie. But for voices, I would say... The Scarecrow - Johnny Depp, The Tin Woodman - Ewan McGreggor, The Cowardly Lion - John Rhys-Davies
Glinda, the Good Witch of the South : Cate Blanchett in a red wig (from "The Lord of the Rings") or Katie Winslet or Nicole Kidman
The Wicked Witch of the West : Louise Fletcher (from "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest")
The Wizard of Oz : John C. Reilly (from "The Hours")
The King of the Winged Monkeys : Tim Curry (from "Legend")
I would actually like to see a movie series of the original books, but it wouldn' be anything like the the movie we know, but more like a mixture of live action and computer animation. Similar to LOTR (which I haven't seen) or Chronicals of Narnia (-:-)-:-(-:-(-:-)