the saddest part of this movie
is when they took her puppy away! :(
.No I won't sleep tonight.
is when they took her puppy away! :(
.No I won't sleep tonight.
No, it's when the queen loses her honor by being unfaithful.
share1: In real life, historically, the puppy thing we don't know about. The French loved dogs. Austrians I don't know. Marie Antoinette was only 14 or 15 when she came to Versailles, and there's no way of knowing if she even owned a dog. Most likely she never had a dog in the palace of Vienna (Schonnbrunn) but was given a dog at Versailles where there were so many. The French kings at Versailles had dogs for hunting and at Versailles today you can even tour the Salle de Chiens or Dog Room where the dogs would enter after a hunt.
2: The affair with Count Axel Fersen of Sweden may not have happened at all. We don't know the real truth. It's only a theory and a rumor, it was never proven true. There is no evidence. No written letters and nothing but people's gossiping 200 years later. They met in public settings - at a masked ball, at court functions and always in the presence of many people. The Queen had very little privacy and all eyes were on her. There is no way she was alone enough with Fersen to have an affair. Some say that Fersen fathered her first son but that's also never been proven. He met her only now and then in visits to Versailles but then again so did many other equally impressive people including Thomas Jefferson. Fersen was a sort of representative of Sweden and he was a friend of the royal family but nothing indicates that he and Marie were intimate. He rescued her from the Tuileries Palace when she was prisoner but he also rescued her husband and the kids so it was more of a loyal friend helping out the royal French family he was friends with.
3: The truest saddest part was that it was the most terribly performed by the cast. Kirsten is lousy. She has no depth and personality to her part. She is just playing dress up. She looks and acts like she's in the wrong movie. Jason Schwartzman is dead in this movie, has only like 4 lines and sucks big time. This movie really needed better writing for each character. It's a shame they spent so much on costumes and on filming in Versailles that they forgot to invest in good writing and acting.
I have to agree with you about the lack of acting and the lack of lines for the king. The acting isn't just down to the actors either; the director said she liked and wanted it like this.
shareActually "Mops" was returned to MA after some negotiation. For some reason, they don't mention that in the film.
"Everything I do, I do it for you."
Wrong. &p=1#184204826
From the Valley to the Stars...
Yeah, well, it was in response to the attitude of the OP.
From the Valley to the Stars...
Actually the mops incident is documented. You can read about it in the early pages of Stefan Zweig's biography, as well a arguments for and against (but mainly for) her having had an affair with Fersen. As you say, there is no way to conclusively prove it. But inconclusive evidence does not mean no evidence.
shareThere are SO many sad parts, involving Antoine getting thing taken from her (like a sex life, from age 15-19!) that it's difficult to pick one! I think what his me the most, prob. because I'm older, is when her mother dies, and the only one there to console her is her loyal ambassador, but still not a family member.
She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.
Actually they did talk about Mops later in the film.
Marie-Antoinette was asking Coogan's character if Mops was on his way, to which he replied that he was working on it.
I have to go with the scene just after her nephew was born. She was fighting back tears, pretending not to hear the insults the people hurled at her, and trying her best to make it into the "blue room" off her quarters to break down and cry. All the pressure to produce an heir and feeling like she couldn't do anything about it no matter how hard she tried finally got to her. Anyone who's tried to have a baby (much less an heir) with no success and had to watch her friends and family have baby after baby would understand.
^agreed, at first I thought Kirsten Dunst was completely miscast. she doesn't have the regal look, like say Judi Dench or Julie Andrews (both older I know) that I'd expect you'd need to play a queen, but that was sort of the point. Marie Antoinette was so young and doe eyed when she came to versailles. she didn't really know much about politics and really only cared about having fun, like any teenager would. I couldn't imagine being thirteen or fourteen or whatever she was, and having people stand around you waiting for resolutions to conflicts and producing children. that being said, any scene with Marie Antoinette and her mother's letter's were pretty sad, and her nephew's birth. Saddest scene for me though would be the riots around her house, with people breaking in and she's hiding in the basement with her children and her husband, who's literally standing guard in front of them.
"You know I've always reminded myself of Grace Kelly" ~ Jenna Maroney