IFC = WTF???

What the hell is going with IFC's broadcast of this movie? Twice now I have watched it and I have to say the music is all effed up!

The opening credits song is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to rushed in some parts...
So is the song playing when she enters the Versailles palace for the first time...
And the Vivaldi violin song --- (I usually stop watching because I can't stand it)

I have this movie on DVD, have seen it on other channels (Sundance), AND have the soundtrack. The DVD, the Sundance broadcasts and the soungdrack don't rush through the songs.

anyone have any idea why IFC would do this?

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


It seems they have time compressed the film to make it shorter. Thats when the same frames in a film are dropped to shorten the run time. They do this to place more commercials in.


I know. That also made me scratch my head and made me go, "What?!". And what's bad is that IFC didn't use to do this like two years ago. They didn't have commercial breaks with films like most channels do. Like HBO and Cinemax, they use to show the movies all the way through and leave them the way they were released. For some stupid reason now, it's constant commercials and making the movies unnecessarily short and butchered in time running. Ridiculous and a shame.


At least IFC shows films in the original aspect ratio, unlike HBO and Cinemax. Then again, now that I know about this major issue I don't know if I'll be watching IFC (or Sundance, which is pretty much the same thing) ever again.

This post brought to you by the yoyodyne corporation


I had the same experience! See this is why I just love the message boards.
