This movie is a masterpiece, in the best tradition of the female way of directing. I mean by that the way they make you grasp things by little details, as for instance the scene after the big party when in the morning we are shown the rests of the fete, bits of food, consumed candels, all the remains of a futile way to spend life that leads to boredom and emptyness with MA as a living proof of it, soaking in her bathtub and stearing at nothing. I think that people that disliked this movie shouldn't bother to watch movies at all. SC, as the real artist she is, got something wery profound about MA: she wanted to show the queen of France for what she really was, i. e., a quite ineducated young girl who was thrown into one the most difficult european courts without any preparation. She would show this lack of knowledge not only by her crazy expenses (they were such after all, and don't give that crap about her not beeing the only resposable for the national debt, I'm aware of it, but she was indeed careless about money) but also by his political attitude towards the starting revolution; in fact she was not only absolutely against it, but against any kind of reforms, so she really wasn't fit to face such harsh times. She was not prepared to and she wasn't willing to commit herself to the task either, because you cannot call her stubborness against the raising of the new ideas a proof of a clever political conduct. Those who complained about the lack of historic truth should watch the interview given by Antonia Fraser about the picture, they can find it in the dvd's extras. She says she was struck in the best way by the depiction of MA made by SC. For those who said that they didn't care about the prettyness of the movie, on what planet are you living on? All that stuff, the shoes, the dresses, the food, that WAS Versailles. Do you know, evidently you don't, that the Rohan family, one of biggest in the ancient France, went banckrupt beacause they squandared theyr fortune in the attempt to please MA? At that time if some wanted to be well regarded at court, he or she HAD to have a big fortune so they would be able to spend money in dresses, jewelry and parties. There was no other way. So don't make you laughable remarks about the feature beeing just a useless show of luxurious things. One can object about MA aknowledging the crowd: that I agree wasn't historical, in the sense given by the director, wich is, she feels finally free from the stuffy world of Versailles. But an artist has the right to make choices, that you cannot object. The ending of the movie was very original, the director has the right to her own interpretation, she or he cannot be stuck by history, he or she must go further, follow his or hers penchant wich made him or her an artist