MovieChat Forums > Marie Antoinette (2006) Discussion > Anyone else love the MTV cribs spoof on ...

Anyone else love the MTV cribs spoof on the dvd?

I thought it was hilarious, pure genius

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time


I thought it was cute, especially when he was in the hall of mirrors.


It was totally comedic genius. "Cherubs... no home is complete with cherubs. This is the hall of mirrors; it's basically a hall of mirrors. I can check myself ...before I wreck myself!". HAHA I seriously love Jason.


yesssssss, it was so funny.
here's a link for people who haven't seen it

'You Have Bewitched me Body && Soul' -Mr Darcy


Haha I love it, too! I was showing some people who have seen the film, but don't own the dvd. He does a great job of playing Louis and yet talking and acting in a way the character would never talk or act. So great! Jason is hilarious!



For me the best bit was when he said "I couldn´t have done it without my family" in the style of a cheap TV personality one-day-wonder.



It was brilliant, lampooning the obnoxious way the nouveau riche talk about their possessions.

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