
Ok, I got this on a free rental, but dammit, I want my money back.

People think this is a good slasher movie?
A good slasher movie would be Bob Clark's 'Black Christmas' or the original 'Friday the 13th'.

This is a movie for people who just want gore, but nothing else. It feels as if it was made by someone who looks at F13 and says, 'all horror fans want is inventive kills and lots of blood', and sets out to make a movie.

This movie sucks and is a waste of money and fake blood.



friday the 13th 4 is my fave! hatchet was really dumb. it was a constant circle: run. stop and talk (witty banter). someone gets killed in a really brutal way. run. stop and talk....ect.


You are aware these are key elements to the slasher flick right? Sure you have ones like Halloween and Black Christmas, but Hatchet was in the style of the 80s slasher film where nudity and gore ruled.

I love the original Friday the 13th, but you are trashing Hatchet for the exact thing the makers of Friday the 13th were doing.

Let's do it to them before they do it to us.


You are aware these are key elements to the slasher flick right? Sure you have ones like Halloween and Black Christmas, but Hatchet was in the style of the 80s slasher film where nudity and gore ruled.

I love the original Friday the 13th, but you are trashing Hatchet for the exact thing the makers of Friday the 13th were doing.

Let's do it to them before they do it to us.

-----*Yeah I agree w/ the above completely. I'm a massive horror fan & grew up watching them & I love blood/gore in a movie. Many of us do miss the 80s slasher style movies where it was crude & bloody. That's why I love hatchet.



Hatchet has gore... but not much else... and the kills in it aren't even 'inventive', it's just some guy in a lumpy mask (shown too often and in too much light to look convincing) tearing people's arms/heads/legs off.
Hatchet reminded me more of a Creepshow/Tales From The Crypt sort of horror comic... gruesome but funny.
