The friday the 13th films are cut by seconds to obtain the R-Rating, nothing really extreme which is why by todays standards its silly they were considered Higher then R movies at all.
The Humor in Hatchet is just as lame as any old horror film that no one really finds funny except to laugh AT it, not with it. This is where Hatchet fails most, because you're suppose to laugh with it, but anyone who has a 3 digit IQ isn't laughing at it or with it, the jokes are that bad. And i doubt nostalgia years from now will change that to jokes you laugh at either, since the film seems to beg you to laugh with it. The fact that they know they are lame jokes, doesn't make them funny.
Hatchet isn't a terrible film, but its not funny and its not successful as nostalgia either unless you don't have a great memory of 80's slasher films. In which case, you might also find SCREAM nostalgic too. It's just a mediocre slasher film. it's low budget and violent and not a remake, rare for a modern slasher film which i think is why it gets more praise then it should. if it came out with any of the classics it wants to be, despite its violent 2nd half it wouldn't measure up slightly and be forgotten except as a curio.