Just watched this! Really liked it except the ending, because...
... I was like, "WTF did they run out of film or something?"
The end didn't quite register well with me because it kind of feels like they have a 'final scare' that should have lasted 5 seconds and instead dragged it out for about a minute. If Crowley just jumped up from the water and scared them then it cut to black, that would have been fine, but instead there's a lot of screaming, struggling, and you think that maybe something else was going to happen but...then it just cuts to black anyway. Kind of pointless. At first I thought maybe there was something wrong with the DVD but now I'm thinking they probably just ran out of money or something and thought that would be a suitable ending.
I'm sure this is absolutely, positively the very first time anyone has brought this up ever.
Damn, this IMDb board is terrible.