Definitely not the best, but better than I expected.
I had my fair share of apprehension going into this movie. Everything I read about it seemed to be either love it or hate it. I knew it relied A LOT on excessive gore, which I'm not especially a fan of, so I wasn't sure what to think.
Then, I saw the movie with a few of my friends, and lo and behold, I loved it! It has a better sense of humor than most slasher films I've seen, and it definitely doesn't take itself seriously. Shawn in particular made the movie for me; his attempts to guide the tour and entertain were hilarious.
Anyway, while I wouldn't really rank this among the top horror movies ever made, I was very pleasantly surprised by it; IMO it's better than most of the slasher remakes that've been released recently. So, to anyone who's apprehensive about it like I was, I'm betting you'll enjoy it as long as you aren't looking for something with any degreee of seriousness.
Let a little insanity into your life.