Old School Horror - I think not.
People say the look and feel of the film is meant to be Old School Horror. If you mean poorly made like a huge proportion of 80,s horror movies, then i agree its old school> Dont use these labels to disguise a badly made, uneven film with lamentable FX> Yes i know people will say the FX are hokey so that it looks like an old style slasher film< to these people i would say take another look at 80,s classics like Friday the 13th and the original My Bloody Valentine and you will see these films were low budget but the FX were superior to this more recent films FX> I also find it hard to believe that a deformed retard who has been in a shack for years suddenly decides to go on the rampage on that particular night, oh and the makeup for the retard looks like a lacklustre halloween mask, check out the original jason voorhees makeup or the makeup for the killer in The Burning to see decent prosphetics.
I paid ONE ENGLISH POUND for this and i think thats about its worth!!