I am proud to be a member of the HATCHET ARMY!!!
Man, this is only the second time I've seen the Hatchet Movies(watching part 3 later this week) but I really enjoy them and even moreso, I really love what they stand for! I see other posters disagree, but this was classic slasher material to me, blood and guts galore, and of course, gotta love the T & A. The basic simplicity of an unstoppable killing machine that kills and kills and kills in the most brutal ways possible?? It was a welcomed return from the self-aware, "trendy" and/OR pg-13 jump scare material that was dominating horror for over a decade since Scream. Victor Crowley RULES!!!!!!!!
Anyone else love the Hatchet movies? The first one gets a solid 10 out of 10, wouldn't change a thing about it, perfection! Agree? Disagree? WHAT SAY YOU?
Best Bond - Pierce Brosnan, Best Bond Movie - Die Another Day