The film is not racist at all or excluding anyone. Not too mention that their is very little representation of African Americans in American film. The only way you'll be able to see a movie depicting black culture is if it made by a black man, produced by a black man, and written by a black man. Read the trivia, it said Tyler Perry had to pay half the amount needed to make this movie. And yes, their are differences between white and black people. Just like their are differences between men and woman. If this movie was called "Diary of a Mad Woman" I would not have rented it because I'd assume it would be a chick flick (which it was). But because it said "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" I rented it. See, I'm a white kid and I live in a white Suburban neighborhood. At my high school of over 3,000 kids, there is only about 50-80 black kids. Growing up in an almost all white community I am COMPLETELY shut off from any sort of knowledge about other races and cultures. Movies like this give me insight into how other groups of people live their life. For instance, in the movie it depicts a church in a mostly black neigborhood-in the church it shows the preacher singing, a choir, the people in the pews dancing. If I went to church like that I would definitely feel closer to god (just watching that scene I felt uplifted). But here in my ALL white church we stand-preacher talks-sit down-preacher talks-stand up-sing-sit-preacher talks-preacher talks-preacher talks-stand up-sing-sit-preacher talks-kneel-drink wine-eat bread-kneel-preacher talks-sit-fall asleep-snore-parents yell-church ends. But after watching this film I realize that celebrating God doesn't have to be a DEPRESSING and BORING THING. You can show your love for God in a much more uplifting and enlightening way.
Side Note: When People like Tipper Gore try to censor movies, music, art, and books-BECAUSE THEY FIND IT UNFIT FOR VIEWING-Their really just cutting off our information. They don't want us to be informed about Middle Eastern people because then we might not so easily allow our "president" to kill thousands of them for ABSOLUTElY NO REASON. Maybe if we had a movie called "Diary of a mad Iraqi Woman" we wouldn't have been so accepting of the idea. One more thing, if the Government had censored the hip hop group Public Enemy (for possibly too much vulgar language), I wouldn't know half the stuff I know today, WE NEED BLACK PEOPLE TO TALK ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS, CULTURES, AND HOW THEY LIVE SO THAT WE CAN HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO BETTER UNDERSTAND EACHOTHER. Only then will racism in America stop. If we can acknowledge (and accept) the differences bewteen eachother and then explore it. With acknowledgement comes understanding, with understanding comes reasoning, and with reasoning comes peace.