Can anyone help me?

Caught this movie on vacay in the hotel. Had to leave in the middle of the movie. Got home, cannot find it on tv, or on demand, and our dvd is broken.....yada, yada, yada. Could anyone tell me how this movie ended? Does she end up with the uhaul guy or does she go back with her jackass husband?
I thought it was very sad when she was dragged out of the house in the beginning.~~Very degrading.

Why did the calliope crash to the ground? Was it blinded by the light?


She finally gets a divorce from Charles and goes to marry Orlando.


Did her husband want her back at any point? Or was he a jackass for the whole movie?

Why did the calliope crash to the ground? Was it blinded by the light?


He was a jackass up until she went postal on him and made it clear that he would NEVER treat her like dirt again. Then Madea explained that obviously Helen wasn't over what happened because she had a chance to get even and she took it, and once you're over something and you've forgiven someone, if you have a chance to get even and you don't take it, then you're over it. By the end of it, they were on good terms but I don't think he ever wanted her back after the point that Brenda left him.


after husband kicked her out, she was mad about everything of course, befriended u-haul guy, danced, dined, fell in love, got propsed to, then husband got shot in the back (dirty deal with drug dealer), she went back to him to help him recoop, he still was treating her like crap, she flipped the script, and dumped him in the tub on his head, he had an "ah ha" moment and turned his life around, at the end, she went back to u-haul guy and accepted his proposal. and they all lived happily ever after. the end!

you should go buy it. great movie. i'm sure it's only like $9.99 now.


If you compared this to Tyler's play version of the same name then yes in site you would get a glimpse that perhaps Charles wanted Helen back. He finally got to a point that he realized how wrong he did her and towards end he was showing more affection towards her. Ironically that is when she realized her feelings for Orlando and walked away from Charles.

Also ~ since I brought up the play ~ in the original play version she does return to her husband because Tyler wanted to showcase how a couple work out their differences in marriages. But he went the opposite direction for this movie and had her end up with Orlando.
