Ugh. Have African Americans audiences lost all sense of quality?
It boggles the mind that this movie is so popular. I understand minority audiences wanting to see movies with situations and characters that they can relate to, but this movie (along with other Tyler Perry projects) is pathetically BAD. It's just bad, for God's sake. And it's not simply bad in a Martin Lawrence, Larry the Cable Guy, low-brow kind of way. It's bad in the sense that it garishly violates fundamental principles of aesthetics. It wants to be a serious drama about values, but then it throws in this Eddy-murphy type man-in-drag character that is pure farce, and ends up undercutting the dramatic side of the story. The two sides don't mesh. It's like mixing honey and vinegar. The infelicity in the tone shift is like something an 8 year old would write.