MovieChat Forums > The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) Discussion > Becomes boring after his return to the h...

Becomes boring after his return to the house.

I think this film entertains well as see the childhood and adolescence of Benjamin, but the impression is that everything starts to get pretty boring after he returns to the nursing home.

May be is still decent before Daisy accident ..

Someone shares my thinking?



Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


Someone shares my thinking?
Like many OP's you're probably trying for the short cut. I'm don't think you're going to get too many people agreeing with you when you haven't given any explanation as to why you think it's boring. In other words there's not much of your thinking evident any way.🐭


Well, i'm sorry for that.

The case is that in this second half of the movie, the focus of the screenplay changes from Benjamin to Daisy, and Daisy is not a likeable character at all, she is sour and boring, the opposite of Benjamin, so they relationship is poorly developed because of that.

And so we have this "turning baby-thing", i dont think this dont make sense, but i think is not a nice thing to see, ya know, just so incredibly boring.


I thought the other way around. It was more boring and unlikable in the first half (not all moments though) - Such as the scenes with that Scottish guy, the "pygmy", brothel, Tilda Swinton, WWII...They all should've been cut or at least trimmed.

The scenes with him and Daisy (Blanchett) just made the movie more mesmerizing and emotional. It should've been a 2 hour film just about them two, really. I just didn't like the "Forrest Gump-ish" approach of the narrative.


I also liked the 2nd half of the movie better,and I love narrated movies.Also liked the slowly changing age reversal process,happening in pt 2 with the charming Brad Pitt....


I like the second half more too! I think the moments between Benjamin and Daisy are so sweet!


IMO the film breezes by - none of it lags or gets boring because every moment is a filled moment.


You mean the last (literally) 10 minutes?
Are you serious? If that's all that bothered you, then it's a 10/10 movie.
