Surprised they got Chief Gates involved in this
Each time I watched this movie and got to Washington's funeral scene, I kept seeing Daryl Gates there, and I kept asking myself, "How the hell did they get him to take part in this movie?"
Daryl Gates is one of my own personal heroes for many reasons, not the least being that he is almost undeniably one of the best police officers to walk this earth, and cleaned up and improved the Los Angeles Police Department in more ways than any two police officers ever have. I digress, though. I wonder how David Ayer was able to get such a decorated and successful police chief to take part in a movie that characterized his very police department as one plagued by elaborate and far-reaching degrees of corruption, with bribery and blackmail being used against all levels of the LAPD, including the Chief himself (I quote Cpt. Wander: "I own them, even the Chief."). You'd think that someone of Gates' status would want to keep a negative image of his department from being perpetuated. Now, we all know that he can't very well prohibit such a movie from being made, but why would he contribute to its production in any way, if it spoke so ill of the LAPD? Granted that this is recognized as fiction, it would still have some negative effect on the public image of the department.
Also, and this is just a side thought, but it's relevant as well:
In movies that feature police or military personnel, the production team must ensure that all non-officer actors do not bear the uniform exactly as it is meant to be worn by real-life officers so as to prevent any technical "impersonation of an officer". Obviously, they would have had Mohr, Whittaker, and Reeves intentionally mis-arrange proper uniform for this purpose during the funeral scene, in which they all wore class-A uniform, but I wonder if they had Daryl Gates do the same. On one hand, if he were to mis-arrange his uniform for this scene, it would be consistent with the other "officers" depicted in the scene, but on the other hand, he would be misrepresenting his earned rank. Unfortunately, I didn't examine the order of his uniform in that scene, so I couldn't say one way or another if he wore it properly. Could anyone shed some light on this?