This movie is the reason nobody trust law enforcement!
I saw this movie for the 1st time tonight, I understand that the director (The same guy who wrote "Training Day") is trying to create an action packed police morality tale, for sake of (generating ticket sales,& making this "Fox Searchlight" production recouplable. I get it! But why did he have so many stereo-typed ethnic characters in his movie?! This is why society at large is afraid of certain ethic groups, because we (minorities) are perpetuated in Hollywood this way! Don't get me wrong, I love action packed "white knuckle" adrenaline movies! But not if it fails to entertain you! This movie instead, showed the old tired familiar formula, of underpaid,greedy, envious Police who will stop at nothing to get rich by any and all means necessary! Along the way violating people's civil and constitutional rights, insulting their ethnicity and cultures, manufacturing and "planting" evidence, illegally obtaining information,endangering Innocent bystanders to get whatever they want! Using and sacrificing hostile informants & basically being Ah*oles!! This is one of the reasons I hate crap like "The Shield" , "Training Day", "Serpico", "The Wire" & the two most disturbing stories of the 20th century, "The Infamous Rodney King Beating footage" and the sodomizing & barbaric beating of Abner Louima! The arresting officers beat Louima with their fists, nightsticks, and hand-held police radios on the ride to the station.[2] On arriving at the station house, he was strip-searched and put in a holding cell. The beating continued later, culminating with Louima being raped in a bathroom at the 70th Precinct station house in Brooklyn. Officer Justin Volpe kicked Louima in the testicles, then, while Louima's hands were cuffed behind his back, he first grabbed onto and squeezed his testicles and then sodomized him with a plunger, causing severe internal damage to his colon and bladder that required several operations to repair. Volpe then walked through the precinct holding the bloody, excrement-stained instrument in his hand, indicating that he had "broke a man down.". I do believe there are good honest law enforcement people out there, But those are usually the ones they assign to a desk, because they may not condone the abuse of another human being, convicted felons or not! This movie and media like it,is crude ultra- violent & very distatefull!! I realize this its only a movie! But what is happening to us (society) if we waste money to see garbage like this?! we are slowly turning back into a "Gladiator" culture, where the lines between entertainment and violence are becoming increasingly hazey!!!?? Enough already!!!!