MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > Was Whitaker channeling Denzel?

Was Whitaker channeling Denzel?

I swear he was trying to mimic his voice, why? If I closed my eyes it was Denzel Washington speaking. Is this a case of a very good actor trying to channel a better, more famous actor?


Yeah I thought the same thing. There were scenes he took straight out of training day and american gangster. Also some of his mannerisms were the same.

Big fan of both actors though. Both quality...


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Yeah, the moment Whitaker opened his mouth I was just hearing and seeing Denzel. Very annoying, because I'm sure Whitaker could have pulled off a good character too. Kind of ruined it for me.


same here. thought denzel was trapped in forest's body or somethin

maybe cuz training day and street kings were written by the same dude. some things are like spot on, in terms of dialogue,etc.


Never thought that even one time
