MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > Reeves in the movie is NOT WHITE, he's A...

Reeves in the movie is NOT WHITE, he's ASIAN.

Why in the movie do they pretend that Keanu is a white guy?
He's not a white guy. He's half asian and white which means he's asian.

Keanu Reeves is asian. Stop race robbing the asian aspect of keanu.

He ain't a white cop. He's an asian cop!

And for those you white washed fools out there that didn't know for the past 50 years,
keanu reeves is actually ASIAN.

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lol all trolling aside.

Knowing Keanu is Asian on his father's side made the scene where he's dissing the two Asian guys easier to watch. He's playing a white guy in the movie disrepecting some Asian crooks, when in reality he is Asian too.

Looking up his background on the internet you will find that his father is listed as partly or mostly English or something, with Hawaiian and maybe Chinese blood. But if you look at a picture of his father, he looks full blooded Asian.

Keanu is an unusually attractive man. Then you look at Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son by a Caucasian woman and you start getting the idea that Asian male + white female = good mix/good looking kids. Dean Cain is another one. Asian father, white mother, 10 on the Richter scale of looks.


Keanu is mixed.

He cannot pass for a full Asian.


What a stupid pointless thread.
