
"Daniel der Zauberer" was one of the greatest movies ever!
It's pretty artistic and probably isn't liked by people who don't like Daniel Küblböck but I found it worth watching.
Daniel is a great actor and I enjoyed every second of the film.

Some people judge it without even watching, which I think is really sad and poor but these people aren't even worth talking about.
So go and watch it! =)


You are really sick, you disgust me


Oh, thanks a lot...*lol*

Well, I guess we both know who is the sicker one of us, don't we?! ^^


Ganz klar Du, das bedarf wohl keiner weiteren Diskussion. Auch wenn das ganze wohl ein kleiner Spaß darstellen soll (hoffe ich zumindest im Interesse deiner geistigen Verfassung).
Im übrigen könnt ihr euch das Englisch sicherlich sparen, denn es ist wohl anzunehmen, daß diese Peinlichkeit außerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums (zum Glück) niemand kennen wird.



Auf jedenfall, reget all eure Freunde an den Film auf 1.0 zu voten.
Dann landet er in den Bottoms ;)


Okay, dann eben auf Deutsch.
Ich fand den Film klasse. Ich kenne viele Leute, die Daniel nicht wirklich mögen, sich aber getraut haben, den Film anzusehen (ist ja nicht selbstverständlich, armseligerweise...) und ganz begeistert waren.
Schuld sind eben leider die Vorurteile gegenüber Daniel, so traurig das auch ist...


Okay... Vorurteile sinds also?
Also ich hatte noch nichts gegen ihn als ich ihn bei DSDS gesehn hab... erst als ich die ersten Worte aus seinem Mund hörte wurde mir schlecht!
Das ist nicht dein Ernst dass sich jemand so verstellt, komisch, zum kotzen veranlassend anhört und damit auch noch ins Fernsehen kommt.
VORURTEILE sind da also keine dabei.
Sonst noch ein Argument warum wir Daniel lieben sollten?



/me opens his fake vote script

Bald haben wirs geschafft

Freu mich schon auf den Screenshot


Let's go for it!


mann das geht ja ziemlich fix hehe, es fehlen nur noch etwas mehr als 100 stimmen!



*Großer Jubel*
Wir haben es geschafft - #1 Bottom 100
Das ist allerdings auch das einzig gute an dem Film...


Well, I watched the movie and it really scared the hell out of me.
Im not able to explain what I've just seen because I am terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought. "Daniel, der Zauberer" is bad beyond belief. There is no real plot. There is only that weird "Kübelböck"-Guy who seems to have escaped from some kind of mental hospital. And he wont go away! He will be with you the whole 80something minutes wich will stretch to hours. The storyline has all kinds of holes in it and special effects are virtually not present.
This movie is evil! It has to be banned and condemmed. Every cinema that has screened the movie should be pulled down immediately and every single person who has seen it should be quarantined for the next 10 to 15 years.
STAY AWAY from this one! Since I witnessed this movie I experience feelings of dread every time I leave my room. So I locked myself up here and am waiting for help.

Maybe THIS film was the reason for the first Zombie in "Dawn of the Dead" to run berzerk.



You guys are dumb. whats up with all the gibrish or whatever ur speaking. get a life, this movie sucks, and i think we all realize that, so lets move on.


me dan asco cabrones


Since when is another language gibberish? It's called German. Maybe I'll add some French, just to confuse you further.
Pardonnez-moi pour etre bien eduquee, mais je sais non seulement parler 3 langues, mais je connais aussi l'orthographe et la grammaire, que, evidemment, vous ne connaissez pas!
Er muss von unserem Talent eifersuechtig sein!




"Don't fall asleep, or we'll mutilate your genitals!!"


Just trying to make a point. "loserfreak" thinks that because he can't understand what people are writing here, and because it's not English, it must be gibberish.
So I felt like throwing in some different "gibberish" just to see what his reaction would be! That's just the little devil that I am.




I think he was actually talking about the guys talking English - but talking gibberish nonetheless (^^). That's who he replied to. Still, why was he even pointing that out? Hell, why am I even bothering to write this?!

Ok - real reason for post; I have to say I want to see this movie now just to make me feel better about all the midless crap that has come out recently. Trouble is, I have no idea where to find it. Suggestions? Or should I just wait until I am condemned to hell to watch it for all eternity?!

Victory is Mine! - Stewie Griffin.. (The best cartoon character ever devised.)


Yeah, Gary Larson needs to add this one to the cartoon of hell's video store that only carries copies of Ishtar.
You really don't want to go out of your way to find this one and watch it. It's one of those that you can't imagine seeing without Joel or Mike and the 'bots, and then can't believe that you did. I've managed to block it from my memory for the most part. I'm lucky that way.

