MovieChat Forums > Daniel der Zauberer (2004) Discussion > Ulli Lommel g'hoert umg'spizt im bod'n g...

Ulli Lommel g'hoert umg'spizt im bod'n g'schlagn

Nothing more need be said.

*goes off and pukes at the thought of ...

"We must have waffles. We must all have waffles forthwith."


> Ulli Lommel g'hoert umg'spizt im bod'n g'schlagn
> Nothing more need be said.

You forget that whoever does it, should use a sledgehammer.

> *goes off and pukes at the thought of ...

You'r gonne clean that up yourself!


> "You forget that whoever does it, should use a sledgehammer."

Very well put.

> "You'r gonne clean that up yourself! "

Naa. Let that vague resemblance of a human being Daniel eat the puke after me. After all, he MUST have some purpose for being on this earth ...

"We must have waffles. We must all have waffles forthwith."


i do not know the meaning of "umg'spizt" and i am german....


Ai! How 'bout "umgespitzt"? Regardless, it seems to be an Austrian expression or at least I've only heard it in austria. Anyways, I think it's appropriate given the horrific nature of that "movie" that I suspect was solely created to wreak misery and havoc upon the earth.

"We must have waffles. We must all have waffles forthwith."



Ai! My german is slipping. :( I've spent too much time in America for my own german-speaking good.

But you are forgetting whoever greenlighted this horrible excuse of a "movie". The studio that provided financing deserves to go under.

"We must have waffles. We must all have waffles forthwith."


"Jemanden ungespitzt in den Boden schlagen"
Is a German Phrase. (you might say "rammen" instead of "schlagen"

The Equivalent in Englisch would be:
"To beat the crap out of Somebody."

Here a word-by-word Translation:

-Jemanden :: Somebody

-ungespitzt :: unsharpend, unacuted

-in den Boden :: into the Ground/Bottom

-schlagen/rammen :: beat/ramm

This Phrase may come from the medieval times, when houses and everything else where Hand-Craftet.
Sometimes there you had to hit a Pole with a Hammer or something else to get it into the ground.
Of course, it is easier to ramm a acute Pole in the ground, than an unacuted.

So if somebody is so angry that he wants to bash somebody else, this phrase means, that there will be no compromiss and/or diskussion, you won't wait and Sharpen "the pole" (the Person), you just want to Hit him right now into the Ground, no questions and no matter what.

Hope that helped! :)


> The studio that provided financing deserves to go under.
Looks more like the movie has been photographed with Daniel's camcorder, from what I saw in the trailer...


neger, des is frängisch, nich österreichisch


geh, blas ma an schuach auf – mia sogn aa soiche sprüch

I'm still surprised that there are Germans willing to live with the shame that is Daniel Küblböck. I thought someone would have taken it upon himself to free Germany of this disease. Although I can really recommend only one way to vote against private TV companies: Get rid of your TV's. Get your news from the net or the newspapers (NOT Bild, a real newspaper).

I did that, I've been without a TV at home for the last 6 months. It's great.


des is bairisch!

Thank you Ireland
