Film Cameos
In last weeks episode when they hi-jacked the school bus and Paddy has them singing "row row row your boat" in the Yellow school bus - well did anyone else catch on to the the whole pee take cameo of Dirty Harry when Scorpio does the exact same thing (hijacks a yellow school bus and gets the kids to sing the same song) - priceless.
Also just after that when they are "checking in" to jail and Max has to sign the register at the counter but has to stand behind the line about four feet away and just leans over diagonally to the counter - exactly the same as John Belushi in the Blues Brothers. So class!!
On the same subject, the last episode of Phoenix Nights when M&P are waiting outside the restaurant for Fanny and her husband to drive off before they do the "assassination". When they drive off and Max says to Paddy to put in his "drving music" which is Phil Collings Something in the Air Tonight. Well, sad that I am this music appears in the last ever episode of Miami Vice when Crockett and Tubs set off on a dangerous mission in the white Ferrari - I'm sure it was a pee take of this and I found it hilarious. It does help being nearly the same age as PK and having watched the same programs growing up. I'm sure theres other cameos I've missed but these had me in stitches.