The DVD outtakes...

... are absolutely fantastic, are a joy to watch and contain material and situations that sometimes surpass the comedy of the epsisodes.

An example of this would have to be the prison outtakes, when Paddy aka Patrick McGuinness continuously fluffs his lines to varying degrees of hilarity!! I am of course, refering to the infamous 'Tony' scene. The line Patrick has to say is " I told you, we've not balls Cliff" yet, replaces the name of Cliff with Tony!! TONY!! WHY?? even Peter kay asks in his fantastic Bolton accent, "who's Tony?" It's at the point though where Patrick walks into his cell, only to be greeted by Peter saying "you alright Tony?" while Patrick has, to yet again leave and restart the scene, that has me in stitches!! even Paddy sees the funny side and responds in kind by laughing a flipping the V sign!!

There are of course many other funny outtakes, the one above however was my personal favourite.

What's everyone elses?

