Is Max supposed to be older than Paddy?
If so, then by how many years? By my reckoning ten, maybe twelve years at most.
There are several key scenes throughout the show that support this hypothesis. One being when they both attend a birthday party of a former friend of Max's affectionately nicknamed the wolfster.
Although it isn't outright stated in the dialogue, it's hinted that Max attended school with the wolfster, who reminices with Max about a period where his siter used to babysit Paddy. Now, this suggests, along with another scene with the wolfster where he asks if he remembers Tina from school, or, more or less confirms, that Max DEFINITELY attended school with the wolfster, thus putting Max serval years ahead of Paddy in terms of age.
There are also several other little subtle hints such as Max and Paddy not always being partnered together as bouncers for Brian Potter. Indeed, in several flash backs, it's shown that Max and Paddy's friendship may be fairly recent in it's inception, maybe withing the past five to ten years, as this was when Billy Shannon was partnered with Max as bouncers and when Tina broke up with Max.
Hm, I admit my little idea is fairly wooly, but I think it may have some merit.
What does everyone else think?