MovieChat Forums > The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) Discussion > Is this movie worth seeing just for Oliv...

Is this movie worth seeing just for Olivia Thirlby?

I'm a big fan of hers, but is she featured prominently enough in this movie that I should see it just to see her performance in it?


She doesn't have a large role, but she does play an important part in the story. She's very good with what she is given. It's truly a great ensemble.

I say, why not? See it for her and you'll probably like the film. It's good.


This movie is not worth seeing for any of the cast. Big waste of a talented young cast.


If you are looking at this movie as a movie, fictional story, well maybe you wouldn't like the plot. It is from beginning to the based on true story.

But if you think just a bit of a power of the real experiment, real psychological drama inside, amazing message that it is carrying, perfect roles of the "students" - prisoners and guards, and after that the social implications that are happening today, the movie is basically a masterpiece. Nothing more, nothing less.

About Olivia - others already response, she has a supporting role. But she is a cutie ;)


It might not be big but her role is big important. I liked the movie. I've seen the original documentary about the prison experiment and it's pretty damn close


She is beautiful in this film. She's not onscreen for a ton of time, though her role is important.


This movie is worth seeing full stop. That you are a big fan of Olivia and get to see her cameo too, is a bonus :-)


if you're a lonely neckbeard yea


this question made me laugh so hard hahah XD thanks

why would anyone watch a movie just for her? she's not super talented or beautiful, just a regular actress with a regular face...

watch this for the whole thing and maybe you'll even like the movie!


Why would anyone watch a movie simply because of the looks of an actor? Beats me...


Rewatch Dredd.
